Chapter Fifty-One

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**I seriously just listened to "Yellow" by Coldplay throughout this entire chapter. You should do that. Just saying. Because it's perfect." 

Chapter Fifty-One

I stare at the pills in my hands and try to think about what I've heard about them. They're prescription drugs that is given to people who...need them?

Obviously Harry, I roll my eyes at my own thoughts. I put the pills back into the box and put it back where I got it. What the hell is Xanax?

I glance at Veronica's phone and grab it. I know I shouldn't, but I'm curious as to what Xanax is. I unlock her phone, using a pass code I saw her put in a couple times, and click the Internet browser.

Xanax, I type in and scroll down the page. I pick one that talks about it becoming an abused drug.

"Xanax is legally used for stress, anxiety, and panic. What sets Xanax apart from all other miscellaneous drugs in the medicine cabinet, though, is its ability to make the user black out, the high chance of addiction and the fact that withdrawal from Xanax is potentially deadly."

My eyes widen at what I read. So it's a bad drug.

"Mixing drugs with alcohol is dangerous in any case, but it is known to be especially dangerous with Xanax. Due to the fact that the two substances have the same affect on the body, they end up magnifying the feeling of intoxication to hazardous levels."

I don't understand why Veronica has a cigarette box full of them. Why does she need them? Is she addicted? I don't think she is since she doesn't show any signs of addiction and when we're together, she seems pretty damn normal.

It just doesn't make sense.

I exit the Internet and put Veronica's phone back. I'll just have to talk to her about it. I go over to the closet and hide myself inside of it. I don't want there to be any chance of Aiden finding me.

I wrap my arms around my legs and stare at the darkness surrounding me.

And I wait.

I can hear giggling from the other room and I wonder what Veronica is laughing at. I wonder what Aiden has done to make her react in that way. Did he tell her a joke? Did he tickle her? Or did he just have to be around her in order to make her giggle like that? 

And then the moans start up and I try to cover my ears. The creaking of a bed. The banging against a wall. The screams leaving their lips.

I cover my ears and shut my eyes, trying to stop my own tears from leaving my body. It's like a slap in the face. She knows I'm here and she's having sex with him.

Her boyfriend.

Harry, you need to get a grip. Veronica is dating Aiden and they're going to sleep with eachother. You've got to get your head out of the damn clouds sooner or later.

I block them out as best I can and after what feels like hours, I hear Aiden tell Veronica goodbye and the front door shuts. I don't get up, instead I keep completely still in her closet.

"Harry?" Veronica calls out gently and I hear her bedroom door open. She steps into the room and I can see her through a small crack in the closet that I left open. "Harry?" She asks out again. I keep quiet. I don't know why but I don't want to go out there.

Veronica sighs and takes a seat on her bed. She drops her head into her hands and pulls at her brown hair.

And to my surprise, she begins to cry.

No longer able to just watch, I get up from the closet and push the door over. She looks up immediately, her watering brown eyes widening at me. "Harry?" She croaks and wipes the tears away. "What are you doing here?"

I shrug and walk over to her, sitting beside her on the bed. "I promised to stay, so I did."

"So you...heard," she whispers, horror coloring her face. "Oh my god." 

"Yeah, I heard everything. Well, I tried to stop listening, but you guys are pretty loud," I say, trying to remain as emotionless as possible. I really shouldn't feel bad about knowing that they slept together. I mean, obviously they do that. Couples do that. 

And Veronica and I are not a couple. Hell, I don't know what we are. 

"I'm so sorry about that Harry. That must have been awful for you to have to hear," Veronica shakes her head and laughs bitterly. "It's not like I wanted to do it, but Aiden can be a bit persuasive."

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