Chapter Forty-Nine

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Chapter Forty-Nine

When I come to my senses I realize I'm in a bed. I try to sit up and immediately groan, my body protesting against any small movement.

"I wouldn't try to move at all if I were you." I glance to my left, a task that I find capable of doing without too much pain. Veronica is seated in a chair, her legs crossed elegantly and sipping a cup of something. I find the entire picturesque scene of her hilarious and start laughing. I immediately stop and gasp in pain. "I wouldn't laugh either if you can help it. You're quite bruised."

"I figured," I mutter and sigh, staring up at the ceiling. We're back at her house and in her bedroom. "What happened?" Last I remember is lying on the ground and having Vic's fist flying down at me.

"Well, I left the hallway for one minute and come back to find you laying on the ground getting the living shit pummeled out of you. And well, you don't need to know many details other than the fact that you're an idiot for trying to pick a fight with Vic. What were you thinking anyways?"

I sigh and shut my eyes. "What was I thinking?" I repeat under my breath. "I was thinking that maybe, just maybe I could do something myself. Defend myself against the fucking jerks that push me around. I was angry and I wanted... I wanted..."

"You wanted?"

"I wanted to just feel a different part of myself. Give into the fucking anger and frustration that just builds up inside of me. I wanted for one fucking moment to actually be feared by everyone around. It felt good, so good to have my fist connect with Vic's jaw. And when I saw that blood.." I can feel my fists trembling at my sides, the memory of it all filling my mind. "I felt..."

"You felt powerful," Veronica finishes for me.

I open my eyes and gaze at the ceiling. "Yeah, that's it. I felt completely in control of myself.

"Control isn't about the ability to beat someone up, Harry," Veronica says in a monotone.

Her tone irritates me. "What the hell was I supposed to fucking do? Let him just bully me around all day?"

"No, but you didn't have to become the bully."

"Me?! The bully?! You're acting like I'm the fucking bad guy here!" I exclaim and feel a tight pain in my lower abdomen. I've got to stop getting so worked up.

"You did start the fight," Veronica reminds me in that same tone, the tone that says she is a no-it-all and she knows it. I fucking hate that tone.

I groan. "God, what is your point? So what I started the fucking fight. I haven't done anything to anyone and they always start the fight. So why not me? What's so wrong about me doing what everyone else has done to me?!"

"That is my point exactly," Veronica says calmly and I turn my head to look at her. "You gave into what everyone else is doing. You became just like them."

"Just like them?" I spit back shocked. What is with everyone fucking telling me that I'm becoming like the people around me? You don't fucking own me, you don't know me, and you goddamn for sure are not me. So yeah, I changed my outfit and yeah I changed the way I talk, present myself, and basically everything else! But how is that a fucking bad thing? Why do you all keep trying to make me into something I'm not!" I feel all the anger boiling in me and I have to get everything off my chest.

"Do you even hear yourself? You aren't making even the slightest bit of sense! Harry, you're not supposed to be like this!"

"Like what!" I exclaim.

"Like the typical asshole! Like everyone else! Harry, damn it, you're supposed to be you!"

I groan and throw a pillow off the bed. "I am me! What are you fucking talking about?! This is me! I am Harry Styles!"

"No you're not. This is just a facade you created to hide behind. You're just tired of being picked on."

I throw my hands up and then back down. "I don't see how this is a fucking bad thing!"

"It's a fucking bad thing, Harry!" Veronica yells my words back at me and jumps to her feet suddenly, dropping her cup onto the floor. She doesn't even care for it as she starts pacing . "You're supposed to be different, Harry! You're not supposed to fight or curse every sentence or even feel hatred. You're supposed to be that escape from the real world. My escape! That naive person who makes me feel like I'm not the person I know I am! You're supposed to be different," she repeats, her words coming out with exasperation. Veronica sounds like she's on the verge of tears.

I want to sit up and comfort her but any movement is painful. "Veronica, I'm still me. I'm still Harry Styles."

Veronica shakes her head and starts laughing under her breath. "That's the thing though. You aren't Harry Styles anymore. You're not the same. You've changed and I don't think I like this version."

My heart sinks and I feel the incoming heartbreak. "What are you saying?" I ask quietly.

Veronica stops pacing and sits back down, her body deflating into itself. "I can't keep stopping all these fights. I can't keep pushing myself to stick up for you if you're just going to turn around and become this monster. I will not stick around to watch that happen, Harry. I won't. I'm tired of all the same guys: violent and completely ignorant of the world around them."

I hold my breath and sit up, ignoring the burning sensation going through my body. I can feel each and every bruise, but I only focus on Veronica.

I reach out and take her hand. "I promise I'm not like them. I don't know what got into me. It's like you get pushed around so much that you finally reach that breaking point, and once you're there, it's hard to fight that feeling of adrenaline. I know it was wrong of me, but he honestly had it coming. He's been rude to me since the start."

Veronica sighs and looks up at me, her brown eyes searching my green ones. "You're just such an idiot for thinking you could fight someone without any experience in doing so. I hate seeing all these bruises," Veronica says and reaches up to brush her fingers down my jaw.

"I thought you said the bruise looked good on me?" I raise an eyebrow at her, recalling one of our earliest conversations.

Veronica shrugs. "This is different. These bruises are worse because I know I could have stopped it. If only I wasn't with Aiden. I could have just stopped it all!"

"You were with Aiden? Doing what?" I can't stop myself from asking.

"You don't want me to answer that," Veronica mutters and looks away, taking her hand from mine.

My fingers clench at my sides and I grip the bed's blanket. "I do."

Veronica sighs. "We were talking about you and I. What we had done and hadn't done. He wanted to know when I planned on fucking you so he could fuck with you. That's all he wants, Harry, to beat you up and show you where you belong."

"I don't get it. Why? What did I ever do?!"

Veronica laughs bitterly before taking my hands in hers. "For one, you beat him at beer pong and he doesn't take losing very well. And two," Veronica pauses and leans in closer to me. "You stole his girl," she whispers against me and I shiver.

"I did?"

She nods. "Absolutely."

Veronica's lips meet mine and I reach up to cup her face. My bruised body pains with each move, but I can't stop myself from grabbing her, pulling her close to me. I hug her waist tightly as we kiss, her hands on my cheeks.

Veronica pulls away and stares down at me. I have chills down my spine and everywhere that she touches me. She kisses the side of jaw and I wince at the slight sting of pain.

"I want to kiss your every bruise," she whispers, kissing the opposite side of my jaw.

Her touch is so soft as she pushes me back down against the bed. She hovers above me, careful to not push any weight against me. Her fingers grab the bottom of my shirt and she takes the fabric off my body.

Veronica gasps and trails her hand down my chest to my waist. I glance down at myself and see the dark bruises decorating my pale skin.

"This is unfair," Veronica mutters and traces a bruise. "You don't deserve this. Do they hurt?"

"Only when you press too hard."

"I promise to be gentle," Veronica says and kisses my chest, her lips soft against my skin.

I shut my eyes as Veronica kisses my bruises. I want to cry as she does this because I know I'm completely exposed to her. She can see just how imperfect I am and why she could do so much better. I doubt myself, but with every soft kiss, I find myself falling even further. This is a girl who wants to kiss away my pain, drive away my bruises.

It's unbelievable.

Veronica kisses my left hip bone and I groan from the wince. I only feel a seer of heat as she presses her lips against the place between my hips. Veronica moves to my right hip bone and bites me playfully, causing me to gasp at the sudden shock.

"Wh-what are you doing?!" I stutter and try to grab her shoulders and pull her back up.

"I'm kissing away your pain," she replies simply and kisses me again, this time directly below my belly button. "Isn't that what you want?" Veronica asks and slinks back upwards, her eyes on mine.

How is it that the air of electricity has suddenly changed between us? Her brown eyes are suddenly lust filled, giving me a new kind of chill.

"Harry, I'm getting really tired of this whole you being half naked in my bed thing," Veronica says throatily, dipping down to kiss my chest.

I feel my heart stop and my breath catch as she rubs against me. "I thought you said we couldn't sleep with each other?" I gasp when her hand brushes me, her brown eyes twinkling with a playful manner.

"Who said I was going to sleep with you?" Veronica raises an eyebrow at me and climbs onto my waist, her face inches from mine. "Maybe I just want to do something else."

"L-like?" I stammer. My ability to form an intellectual thought has disappeared.

"Like this," she whispers and presses her lips against mine, pulling my hair and I moan as she grinds her hips into me. What is she doing to me?

Her touch drives me insane and I feel her teeth nibble against my bottom lip, pulling it gently before releasing it again.

"And this," she mumbles and sucks at my neck, her teeth grazing me gently. My body shakes at the feeling. Veronica bites my shoulder blade playfully and I instantly put my hands on her hips, holding her against my body.

"Veronica," I gasp but she puts her finger to my lips.

Veronica slides down lower and kisses my chest, her hands gently touching me. "And this," she says.

I don't know what's going on. I don't know how to even think straight right now.

When her fingers unbutton my jeans, my eyes widen. "Wh-what," I stutter and feel her taking my pants down.

Veronica giggles and I feel her grab me. "And definitely this."

I can't help it. I lose control.

**Early morning update. Next update will be tomorrow night, so sorry about that. I've got my college thing today (:

So ship name is between Heronica and Harronica. Vote? Haha.

Please comment and I will try hard to update again soon.

I love you all. (: **

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