Chapter Forty-Three

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Chapter Forty-Three

I feel bitter laughter leave my lips when we drive through Veronica's house gates. Of course she would take me here instead of my own home. How could I possibly think that she would just let me be done with the night?

When the car stops I throw the door open, not wanting to spend a single second longer in the small space of my car with her. I stomp towards the giant front doors, knowing I'm just going to have go in the house anyways. I can hear her walking behind me.

In her house I turn and head towards the kitchen. I don't want there to be a single possibility of her seducing me in her bedroom. I know how I feel towards her and I can't stop feeling the way I do. It's infuriating and completely pathetic.

I go to her fridge and grab a water bottle. I'm hungry and should eat something but I don't have a single thought towards forcing food down my throat. I just know it'll come back out immediately. I feel sick to my stomach because of what Veronica is doing to me.

I mean, I knew there was that chance that this would all be part of her game, but I had hoped and believed that it would be different.

Boy was I foolish to think that.

Veronica takes a seat on a stool, putting an entire counter top between us. I lean against the marble counter behind me, slowly sipping the water. I don't even know why I'm here and not leaving this house. Maybe it's because I want to know why she did. Why she even bothered to fuck with me.

I sip the water bottle again, not wanting to be the first one to speak. She owes me an explanation, not the other way around.

"Harry, I swear to you that I just need a couple minutes to explain myself," she starts and I just sip the water, keeping a complete emotionless facial expression on my face. Veronica groans and pulls at her now dry brown hair. "Can you at least put the fucking water bottle down?!" She snaps angrily, her hands slamming down on the countertop.

I raise an eyebrow at her and keep sipping. The fact that it pisses her off just makes me want to keep doing it.

"Fine, be a dick, but you better be listening." Veronica glares at me and I sip my water. "Yes, you were part of the fucking Mockery game, but that doesn't mean it was all planned out. Harry, I swear to you that I am not playing with you anymore. I fucking swear to god."

I put my water bottle down but grip it in my hand. "Stop lying to me. I know that I'm just another piece of your stupid game. I know you just want to add that last X to your wall. Stop pretending to be someone you're not," I say calmly, so calmly that I almost shock myself. My vision narrows and I see only her.

"That's what you think this is?! You really believe that I just want to add you to the Mocked pile? The fucking list of guys that I have messed with?!"

"There's no other reason."

Veronica scoffs and rolls her eyes, glaring at me. "How about I give you a different reason. I-"

Ping! The sound makes me cringe. My hand tightens around the bottle, the liquid spilling out onto the floor and on my shoes. Veronica doesn't make a move to answer the phone in her goddamn pocket. It pisses me off that she chooses to ignore the text message as if I don't know who it's from or what it contains.

"Aren't you going to answer your boyfriend?" I ask snidely, my mouth twisting around the word. The texts I had read from earlier come back to the front of my mind, reminding me of the lies that Veronica had fed me.


I can't take it anymore. I throw the water bottle down as hard as I can. "Fucking answer him!" I yell, hating the way my voice cracks.

"Why should I? What part of this is his business?" Veronica gets onto her feet, her brown eyes wild. "What do you want me to tell him, Harry?! Huh? That we're fucking each other's brains out? That we're groping each other's bodies, lost in some disgusting need for sex?! Because that's the only thing he wants to hear if I answer him back!" Veronica screams at me, her finger pointing at me suddenly. "Do you want me to tell him that I finally got you in bed? Do you want me to fucking end this whole thing, right now?"

My head spins. I can't keep up with what she's telling me. What does she mean by "end this"?

"This is entirely his business, isn't it?! This stupid game you play with him?! This pathetic little bullshit that you pull over people's eyes, making them actually believe that you care for them?! That you want them as much as they fucking want you?!" My words come out heavier than I expect, my chest weighing down on my body. I raise my arms up and then drop them down again, totally defeated. "As much as I fucking want you," I whisper, hating it as soon as I say it.

Veronica stares at me, her brown eyes softening. "Give me a chance to explain things. Everything. Every last detail."

"Why? Why should I give you anything?" I want to walk away. I want to leave her and never see her face again. I don't belong in this world of passion, hatred, and anger. I don't belong with her.

"Because you owe it to me."

I laugh at her words, thinking about how ridiuclous that is. "I owe to you? I. Owe it. To. You," I say slowly. "You've got to be joking. After everything you have done, you think that I owe YOU something?!" I let out more laughter, feeling the cruelty build up inside of me, a feeling I've never felt before. "The only thing I owe you is a middle finger." To prove my point I hold up both my hands, my middle fingers up. "A giant FUCK YOU!"

"And I deserve that, but you fucking owe me time to explain."

I cross my arms. "Fine, explain yourself. But that doesn't mean that I will believe anything you say. You've lied to me enough and I'm done trusting you."

"Then just shut up and listen!" Veronica yells and I zip my mouth shut sarcastically. "I don't expect you to believe me, hell I wouldn't either, but I do expect you to understand. Aiden and I play this game with people because it's fun. Dominance is what we both crave in a relationship. The need to have complete control over another person. However when you put two people together that have this need," she sneers the word, "You end up finding it to be quite difficult, practically impossible. So there comes these times when you just have to have someone who will bend to your every fucking will. Do everything you say because they're just that drawn to you."

Her words are disgusting, the game she plays is much worse than I ever thought. I feel like I might puke or pass out, but I stand still and listen to her.

Veronica leans forward on the counter, staring directly at me. "The game wasn't always between Aiden and I. He had been playing it for a while, messing around with girls just so that he could get what he wanted. In this world, everyone has something you want." Her past words come back to me, the same phrase she used when describing herself. "And for Aiden, he found what he wanted in me: a challenge; a girl who could not be persuaded by his muscles or jock title."

"Okay, but what does this have to do with me? I mean sorry about your little sob story background, but there's really no point is there?" I interupt her, trying to skip all the fancy details. Could we just get this over with?

Veronica glares at me. "You asked for an explanation and you're getting it. Now either shut up or I stop talking." God how snappy Veronica irritates me.

"Fine," I mutter, knowing there's no other option but to actually shut up.

"So there it was, he tried to play the fucking game with me. The only drawback was that he played it wrong. He fell for me instead of the other way around. He found himself obsessed with me, wanting to know why I wasn't like all those other girls that just gave themselves to him. I drove him crazy," she laughs, a distant smile appearing on her face. "And that's when another aspect of the game into play. The Exception Rule, the one that states that the game is over completely once you fall."

"Fall?" I repeat confused.

"Fall. When you fall for the wrong person," Veronica says and my mouth forms a little o. So they fell for each other, that would explain them being together.

"Have you fallen?" I ask quietly, wondering if one of those Xs on her walls have caught her. Or maybe even Aiden.

"If I did, I wouldn't be standing here right now with you."

Mocked: A Marcel FanficWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu