Chapter Thirty-Four

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Chapter Thirty-Four

I stay completely still and stroke Veronica's back as she cries. I don't say anything, but I sing quietly. I don't know how long she cries or even why, but she seems content.

When Veronica starts to slowly breathe, I look at her face and see her eyes shut. She's fallen asleep. I carefully roll her off of me, putting her on the bed, making sure she doesn't wake up.

"No," she whispers and I freeze, staring at her. Her eyebrows crunch together but she keeps sleeping. I breathe out and continue on.

I get off the bed and grab the blankets she had tossed down, tucking them around her to keep her warm. Her brown hair frames her face and for once she doesn't look angry or upset.

I realize that this is the first time I've seen her sleep. She's seen me sleep, but this time it's her. A version of Veronica that is completely breathtaking.

What is it that makes Veronica push people away? I know she doesn't want to admit she does it, but I've been pushed away too many times to count. It's like a constant thing with her where she leads me on then suddenly stops.

My thoughts lead me to Aiden's conversation with me. "Mockery" a game that Veronica and he apparently play with fellow students.

It makes me feel sick to my stomach. Is it true that I'm just being "Mocked"? That there is actually nothing going on between Veronica and I?

I don't want to believe that though. I'm going crazy just trying to stop myself from feeling a certain way towards her.

She breaks a billion hearts and I know I'm next in line, but I don't mind.

Pathetic, but it's true.

The reason why I got up in the first place, comes back, and I'm forced to leave the room to find a bathroom. I've really got to pee.

I glance back at my glasses I left on the nightstand and contemplate about going back to grab them, but the need to pee hits me and I rush out. I'll only be gone for a few seconds. There's no real need for them.

I feel awkward walking around in only a pair of boxers, but Veronica had mentioned that it's usually just her at home. I should have nothing to worry about.

The fact that she lives in a mansion used to just mean nothing to me, but now as I walk around, I find it to be really intimidating. There's just so many doors and the hallways are too long. It's creepy how silent the house is, no laughter or distant tv. Nothing but silence.

I find a bathroom and relieve myself. Then I wash my hands and look at the reflection of myself in the mirror. My green eyes are actually alive, shining in the bathroom light. I give myself a dimpled grin, hoping that this is the Harry Styles that Veronica sees.

I don't want to spend too much time away from Veronica, so I leave the bathroom. When I come out, there a door ahead of me.

I stare at the door directly across from me and notice this one's different. It's got a couple of dents in the bottom of the door and it's obvious that it had been "repaired" badly.

I crouch down and look at the dents. It reminds of someone trying to kick a door down and failing. I trace the wood, feeling as it dips down.

What happened here?

I stand up and glance down the hallway. Empty. The only other person here is Veronica.

I feel my heart start pounding as I grab the door's handle. Curiosity is building inside of me and I can't help myself.

Do I want to do this? Why does it feel like I'm sneaking around? It's just another door in a giant house.

"What could possibly be bad about opening a door?" I scold myself quietly, laughing at how ridiculous I am.

I open the door, just a crack, and wait for someone to say something from the other side. When there's not a single sound, I push the door open further.

I'm immediately disappointed. It just looks like a normal bedroom. A giant bed in the middle and a tv in a corner. A couple tables and a dresser.

I walk into the room and stand in the center. The walls are covered with what looks like pictures, but it's too blurry from where I'm standing. I wonder what kind of bands she's into. There's some new boyband out there right now that all girls seem to be in love with.

I can't remember their name. The Wanted? No, that definitely doesn't sound right.

I walk towards a wall so that I can get a better look at them. I stare at the faces, wondering where I had seen them before.


I squint and get even closer to one picture. It's a black and white print out. The picture is kind of bad quality.

A movie?

Where is this guy-

"What the fuck...," I whisper and my eyes widen once I realize who's on the wall.

It's not an actor or boyband member, and every single wall is covered with them.

I step backwards and trip on my feet, falling on to my butt. "What the fuck is this?" I say, my voice shaking and I have the need to get up and leave the room.

But I can't stop staring at the bedroom walls. I wish I had my glasses to make things clearer.

But I don't need them to tell me who all these people are in the pictures.

I see them every day. In the hallways. In the classrooms. At school.

On the walls are pictures of the guys at school. And across each picture is a red X.

Every picture except one.

I'm shaking when I push myself to my feet. This picture without the red lines are in the center of the far wall. I feel my feet dragging towards it.

I don't want to look.

I know what I'll see.

My heart echoes in my ears and I lose feeling in my fingers.

I get to the wall and stare at the untouched picture of me.


People keep messaging me about the leaked 1D song "Just Can't Let Her Go" and how it reminds them of Harry and Veronica's relationship. LOL

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