Chapter 13

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I follow Elli as she walks hand in hand with Chad towards the door, while I walk alone. She hands me her silver clutch to hold, as her and Chad stand in front of a night sky back drop to take their prom picture. This prom is so corny, it's actually killing me. They choose the typical prom pose, where he wraps his arms tightly around her waist, and she rests her hands over his as they smile for the photographer. I cross my arms and roll my eyes at the fact that they look so cute together. I know that I am being really stubborn, but it's so unfair. Why can't I have that? Once they finish the picture I hand Elliana her clutch as we walk into the main ballroom.

"I know you're upset, but can you at least act like you're having a good time," She whispers as we take our seats at the table we were assigned, "You only get one prom you know," I nod in agreement, as I glance around the room at the decorations that have been hung. It is really fancy and they have star shaped lights hanging from the ceiling. I couldn't deny the fact that it was actually really pretty. But the music is so loud, that I am pretty sure that my ears are going to explode. The DJ is jamming to the currently popular pop song that is blasting through the speakers. Pop isn't exactly my style of music, so this is pure torture for me.

I glance to the door just as it's opening. In walks Calum, and my eyes almost pop out of my head. He is wearing a suit, and his hair is spiked up at the front which I had only seen him do a couple other times, but I love it when he wears his hair like that. He looks so hot. I mean like this might just be the hottest he's ever looked. I love it when he wears his jerseys because it better describes his personality, but I can't deny that he looks really freakin good in a suit.

I look beside him to see Danielle. She is wearing way more make up than she usually does, which I didn't even know was possible. But I feel like punching the wall when I see she's not even wearing the dress that she basically stole from me. She's wearing a tight fitting black strapless dress that goes about half way down her thighs. It is much uglier than the dress from the boutique, but it does go better with the 500 layers of black eyeliner that she put on. 

I turn my head away when they begin to walk in my direction. They walk past my table and sit at the table right next mine, right across from where I'm sitting. Great. I wasn't planning on ever getting up from my seat, so I get to look at them the whole prom. Somehow the lyrics of Justin Bieber's song That Should Be Me get stuck in my head. They didn't even play that song, so I don't know why I can't stop mentally singing it. I guess because that song describes exactly how I am feeling right now. I watch as she holds her hand over his, and he gazes into her eyes. She doesn't deserve that. I do. That should fucking be me.

All the flirting, and hand holding, and giggling that is going on around me is making me sick. I probably wouldn't be sick if I were taking part in it, but I'm not, so I get up to get a glass of water and clear my head. The bartender hands me a glass and I drink half of it in one gulp.

"So are you enjoying your prom?" I hear someone snicker from behind me. I'd recognize that stupid nasal voice anywhere. Danielle. I turn around and just as expected, she's standing right behind me, with her hand rested on her hip and an evil smirk on her face. I don't reply to her, cause I honestly don't know what to reply. Instead I just gulp down the remainder of my water and place it down, "Nice dress by the way, did your grandma lend it to you," She comments as she asks the bar tender for a diet coke. I knew she was going to make fun of me. I feel like good things always go to the people who don't deserve it. For example, Danielle, gets everything she wants, including Calum.

"Speaking of dresses, why aren't you wearing the one from the boutique?" I ask her only because the thought that I could have been in that dress instead of this ugly one, is really pissing me off.

"Cause it's ugly," She snorts as she takes a sip from her drink.

"Then why did you buy it?" I'm starting to get really aggravated now.

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