The 4th grd

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The 4th grd was probably one of the worst years we ever had but let's get to the story. Malaia and me had the same teacher Mrs.Weaver we both hated her especially me. Malaia, me,and two other girls got in a fight. It all started because one girl said something to the other one and she slapped her and me and Malaia jumped into it and 3 of us got in trouble but the other girl didn't we where so mad about it because it wasn't fair. I got written up everyday and Malaia kept saying to me DaNajah can you just behave for one day I said no I don't lik that lady and never will so no I can not behave for one day. When we got to school we went into class and Mrs.Weaver said that she moved me and I asked why and she said because Malaia parents asked me to. I asked Malaia if she knew about it and she said yes because my parents think your a bad influence on me because of all the trouble we get in I'm sorry. I couldn't believe I couldn't sit next to my BBFF I'm friends with a lot of other people but I don't really like them. I was getting ready to say I'm not moving I've been sitting here since September and now I gotta move its only November lik what dush. I was dating a dude he Shay I was in love with him  I think I still love him but anyways back to what I was saying. We dated for a longgggg time but kept breaking up because of his cousins they would say lies to me and him just so we would break up but we got through it he moved during the summer and wasn't hear for 5th grade I was so sad I missed him when his cousins told me that he moved. I cried I missed him so much even to this day I still think about him.

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