The beginning

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Malaia and me meet in third grade. It was my first day at southwestern. It all started at the playground. A girl sent Malaia over to tell me she wanted to fight me.I said sure I'll do it I'm not scared of her. Malaia took me to the girl and I said so I heard you wanna fight me. She said nah I was just playing I didn't know you was gonna actually do it. I said so you didn't wanna fight me but now you chickening out because your scared you wanted to fight me but now u don't so your a chicken. She walked away and as she was walking away I kept saying chicken chicken. Malaia said that's mean of you to say and I said I know I'm pretty mean. A dude came over and said to me your pretty ugly for a girl. I leaned in and said if you don't run I'm gonna punch and Malaia said yea and I'll help because I never really liked you anyways. The boy ran off and I said to Malaia your pretty cool and you stuck up for me thanks wanna be friends. She said sure. When we got back to class I asked our teacher Mrs.Whitehead if I could sit next to  Malaia she said sure do I moved next to Malaia. When we got on the bus I sat next to her  and we where talking about what happened today and talked about the people we hate I hated almost every one in the class because they're all pretty stuck up and jerks. Malaia said you told of the people that everyone else is afraid of I said I'm not afraid of any of them their just punks and ain't worth my time. Malaia said you know nobody's gonna wanna hang with you because of what happened today I said I don't care god didn't giv me life to impress everyone else I'm alive to be me and not anybody else and if they got a problem with me the way I am ok I don't need them they not the only people in the world my life doesn't revolve around them or anybody else. Malaia said I know I can tell just by the way you act. I said thanks I know that next I said yea then I had to get of the bus. The next morning I sat with her and this boy said hey Malaia why you letting her sit with you. Malaia said because we friends so sit down. I said if you can say that all the way from back their then come say it to my face then. He said nah I'm good I'm not allowed to move from my assigned seat. I said that's what I thought because all you know how to do is talk smack so sit down with your ugly tail. The 3rd grade is where me and Malaia found each other and ourselves we went through so much that year but we made it out alive with each.

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