"Your gonna have to look at me eventually" he said.

"No I don't." I said.

"Yes you do"

"Why'd you make me stay today?" I asked still looking out the window.

"I wanted to talk to you" I knew it was this. I should've left when I had the damn chance.

"There's nothing to talk about Nick. I'm gonna leave now. I don't have time for this." I said grabbing my bag and getting up walking towards the door but his arm blocked me. I stopped and I gave him a glare.

"Let. Me. Go."


"Nick I'm not playing. Today is not the day. Why don't you go have dinner with your lov- Brooke." I said the name as if it was venom coming out of my mouth. I pushed past his arm but he just stood in front of me.

"Dammit Victoria that was just a dinner! I told you already, I don't like her. I don't want her. Why isn't that getting through your head??" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh shove it Nick. You think I didn't see you kiss her?? Do you really think I'm that stupid? I'm not in middle school anymore. You can't just say all these nice things and 'I want you and only you' crap to me and then behind my back be with some whore. I'm sorry but I'm not that dumb Nick. I'm not doing that again." I walked passed him, my eyes watering just a bit. Bad memories came to my mind and I forced them to go away. As I reached for the door and opened it, a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me back in, closing the door shut and slamming me against it. I gasped and I was pinned between the door and him. Dammit this man. My eyes were watery and I looked into his eyes. His eyes looking deep into me.

"I'm not like that Victoria!" He shouted. I was taken back.

"I didn't kiss her first of all. She kissed me. And I didn't even want her to. I wouldn't play a girl like you. Your so delicate. Your like a flower to me and I wanna take care of you Victoria." He looked deep into my eyes. I wanted to believe him. I wanted to just kiss him right then and there. But I can't. I've been hurt too many times to let it happen to me again.

"Okay." Was all I could say. I don't know if I can trust him just yet.

"You don't trust me yet do you?" Does he know what I'm saying in my head? Like do I say the shit out loud? Can he mind read? Does he have superpowers or something? I shrugged. He nodded and looked me in the eye as if he was searching my inside. He took a deep breath in and nodded. He took a step back and gave me some space.

"Can I go now?" I asked looking at him. He nodded and I turned slowly and opened the door. I turned my head back and he was watching me. It gave me the chills. Having his piercing gaze on me.

"Have a nice evening Mr. Bateman." I said turning my head back around.

"I don't plan on it." He said as I sighed and closed the door.


Nick's POV

As soon as she shut that door I sighed and sat down on my chair. I have a shit ton of papers to grade and I can't seem to be focused on any of them. I just can't get her off my mind. She's like a drug to me for gods sake. Why must she be so difficult? Then again I can't blame her. She seemed to have gone through something. I somehow sense it. I feel it. I look into those enticing dark brown eyes of hers and I can see right through it. God she's just so beautiful. I can watch her all day. The way she puts her pen in between her lips when she's thinking or daydreaming. The way she doodles in her notebook when she's bored. The way she bites her lip when she's nervous.

Dammit I need to get her out of my head. Or else I won't be able to finish these last few papers. I tried to push away any thoughts of Victoria. I ended up finishing the papers and I packed up to leave. I got into my car and put my suitcase in the passengers seat beside me. Should I text her? Maybe just to check on her? Oh for gods sake Nick your acting like a 14 year old boy.

I'll just text her to see what she's up to. What if she doesn't want to talk to me?


I sent the text. See it wasn't that hard right? Ugh I'm acting like a 15 year old boy for gods sake. What's wrong with me? I've never acted like this before with a woman. I usually am attracted to a girl and I can get her with no problem. But with Victoria, man it's different. It's difficult. I've never had to try hard for somebody that I want. And this is a first for me.

My phone buzzed and I quickly checked it. But to my disappointment, it was only notifications for Instagram. My phone rang and I quickly answered it.

How's my baby boy doing?

Hi mom, I'm doing good how are you?

I'm doing good too. I see your too busy to call your mom now huh?

Haha I'm sorry mom. I  just haven't had the time to. With all this graded work to sort out and stuff it takes up most of my time.

Mm yes I see. Well um your sister is having a dinner tomorrow evening and as you know, you have to attend. You can bring your girlfriend.

Mom how many times do I have to tell you, I don't have a girlfriend.

Yes yes I know but you need to start mingling!

You can't rush these things mom-

Yes yes I know you tell me every time I mention it to you. I'm just telling you.

Alright mother well I'll think about it.

You better. I want to  see my handsome son with a nice young lady!  I sighed into the phone.

Okay mother. Wait why is she having this dinner anyways?

She has news as she says. She won't tell me. Trust me I've tried but she just won't budge.

Ahh I see. Alright well I'll see you then mom.

Okay, bye

I sighed and sat down on my bed and fell back lazily. Ughhh I wish she would just te-


Speak of the devil. I couldn't help but feel all giddy inside. She actually texted me back.

Kiss meOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant