Chapter 1 : Scary Reality

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Soft thumps of her fluffy-bunny slippers seemed to be the only sound in the entirety of the house. She quickly ran down the stairs, eager for the tasty treat awaiting her in the freezer. She stopped suddenly. Someone was there in the kitchen. She could see the flashlight searching the upper cabinets. She caught her breath. The silhouette of the man was large. She was sure he was looking for money.

She slowly walked towards the oak cupboard in the living room and fished out her small plastic baseball bat, which seemed to the only thing in there. Not for the first time, she cursed her parents for not keeping a loaded revolver in the drawers, despite of her insistence.

Maybe because keeping a gun in your drawer, in a house full of stupid teenagers is stupid and idiotic.

Watch who you're calling stupid, you dolt.

Ha, Arguing with yourself in the middle of the night, standing in your living room, holding a small plastic bat isn't anything but stupidity. Pure Stupidity. Her conscience mocked her again.

A surprisingly loud thud brought her back to scary reality.

She went forward slowly. soon standing behind the intruder and swung her bat loudly. She jumped on him, as soon as she felt him sway a little and started choking him. The intruder gripped her forearms tightly and tried to get her off. She let out a bloodcurdling scream and soon heard the welcoming sound of her parents feet running across the house trying to reach the kitchen as soon as possible.

The light soon flashed brightly as someone switched on the lights and she heard her parents gasp out loudly. She grinned widely.

"Look, papa. I've caught a stupid thief entering our vulnerable house in the dead of the night." She said triumphantly.

"Young lady, you've sure got some explaining to do." Her father said sternly while he picked her up from the intruder. She struggled wildly and turned to the thief only to lay limp in her father's arm.

There on the floor was a man, approximately 20 years old, blonde hair, blue eyes, red face gasping for air lying on the cold kitchen floor. She ran to him and cradled him in her chest rocking him back and forth.

"I'm sorry! I'm so so so so so so so so sorry, Jon! How was I to know you were coming back today. I thought your flight was reaching a day after tomorrow. I'm sorry. You should've told me you were coming back early and for god's sake couldn't you have turned on the light instead of using a flashlight??..." She rambled on.

"It's OK, sis." He said trying to regain his breathing.

This man was Jonathan Daniel Marston, Tanya Erica Marston's big brother by 4 years.

"OK now you too, go back to bed. Jon, you will have to get up early to leave Tanya at school tomorrow and Tanya, you better go back to bed and sleep or I'll have to ground you for ruing our sleep and creating a ruckus that could've most probably woken up the whole neighborhood." Her mother said sternly as she peered at them through her glasses.

"I wasn't that loud." Tanya grumbled angrily. She didn't even get to eat her ice-cream. She glared at her brother. He glared back at her with the same ferocity. A loud sigh, courtesy to her father reminded them that they still had a chance to evade a possible punishment.

"Why do I have to suffer from this punishment? I'm just a poor victim in this thing. I was the one who almost got strangled." Jon whined loudly. Sometimes it wasn hard to ignore the fact that he had maturity of a 20 year old man instead of the brain capacity of a 5 year old.

Her dad's fierce glare was enough to shut them both up and make them go back to their respective rooms. Jonathan and Tanya had their rooms side by side which they had insisted upon 11 years ago, when they had first shifted in the neighborhood.

"Welcome back, big brother Johnny." Tanya whispered softly with a small smile on her face.

"That was quite a welcome I received there sis. Hope you don't have anymore of such surprises lined up for me." he winked at her and let out a chuckle when in response she giggled softly. He shook his head and opened up his arms. She jumped forward and snuggled deep in the safe and protective arms of her brother, which had protected her ever since she could remember from all kinds of danger. He sighed softly in contentment.

Soon she kissed his cheeks, bade him goodbye and dived into the bed for a good night's sleep.

Safe to say, Tanya forgot everything about her dream and the reason she woke up.


Hiya Everyone!!!

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Don't worry the romantic part will come soon. Hopefully!!!





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