Chapter Seven

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"What do you want?" I hear a raspy male voice respond to me.

I hesitate before responding. "Who are you?"

"None of your fucking business," he snarls. "Tell me what the hell you want or you'll regret ever call this number."

"W-why were you texting her?" I ask, my voice cracking.

He doesn't say anything for a few seconds and I hear him yell out angrily and smash something.

"Where is she?" he angrily asks as I stressfully run my hand through my hair.

I pull the phone away from my ear. I can't do this, I need Bryan. I quickly run out my room and into the living room where Bryan was watching TV.

"Bryan turn off the TV, this is important," I say while sitting down next to him. He turns the TV off and turns to me with a concern look on his face.

"Whats wrong?" he asks.

"I found the girl's phone and saw a contact number that said "avoid" and I looked through the messages and yes I knew you're thinking, 'why would you do that Johnnie?' well I don't know but that's not the point, and the person she was talking to is probably a family member but the messages weren't nice so I called the number and I know you're also thinking, 'what the hell Johnnie, how can you be so stupid?' but-"

Bryan cuts me from my rant. "Get to the point," he says.

I take a deep breath and say, "I'm on the phone with them right now."

He sees the phone in my hands and grabs it and puts it on speaker.

"Who the fuck are you?" Bryan yells into the phone.

I hear the guy grunt. "That's none of your goddamn business. Now where is the fucking girl!" the guy screams into the phone. That makes me pissed.

"Go to hell!" I yell angrily. "Who the hell are you and tell me what you've done with her!"

"That damn whore is supposed to be home by now," he growls. I completely lose it when he called her a whore. I grab the phone from Bryan's hands and before he has time to respond, I smash it against the wall and start sobbing. Bryan rubs my back and sighs.

"We'll get a new phone later," he finally responds after I stop crying.

"I don't care about the phone," I say bringing my knees to my chest and wrapping my arms around them.

"I know, I just wanted you to know that," he says. I give a small smile and mumble a "thanks." After a while of me sobbing, I walk over to the window by the couch and watch all the cars pass by and I couldn't help but think that the girl was forced into one and taken to who knows where. "What are we gonna do Bryan?" I ask wiping away the tears still stained on my cheeks.

"I don't know Johnnie," he says sadly. "I don't know."

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