Chapter One

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(Credit to whoever the real person is in the picture above. For this story, she is a made up character named Jade).

'No one cares,' I kept thinking to myself. 'Why are you even still here?' That question was the only thing in my mind while sitting in the back of class. I rarely listen to the teacher talk anymore.

"Can anyone answer the question to problem four?" the teacher asked while looking for someone to pick.

"Please don't pick me," I muttered to myself.

"How about......" the teacher said while scanning the class.

"Not me, please."

"Let's choose-"

"Please no."


"Dammit," I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that?" the teacher asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Uh, n-nothing," I respond stuttering.

"Well, Ms. Taylor," the teacher says while looking sternly at me. "Could you just answer problem four please?" I could tell that she's already impatient.

Oh fuck, I wasn't paying attention. I stayed silent and hoped that this would be over soon and she would ask someone else. The class just stared at me, laughing quietly, while the teacher shook her head and told me to go to the principal's office and the look on her face was saying bad news. I grabbed my stuff and started walking out the door when one of the students tripped me and of course being the clumsy person I am, I tripped......and fell. The class laughed even harder at me. Tears were starting to become visible so I hurried out of the classroom and ran to the bathroom. Luckily there was no one in it so I locked myself in one of the stalls and cried.

"Why me?" I asked myself. "Why does everyone hate me? Why can't I do anything right?" I cried even harder until I decided I had enough. I opened my backpack and took it out. I looked at the shiny piece of metal and remembered the first time I started self harming.

It was a little after mom had disappeared and I had locked myself in my room sobbing while my dad was pounding on the door, threatening to kill me if I didn't come out. I ran into the bathroom which is connected next to my room and slammed the door shut. I looked at myself in the mirror and anger flooded through me. In the corner of my eye, I saw a single rose laying in a glass vase on top of the bathroom cabinet. I grabbed the vase and smashed it against the floor. Imminently after I did that, I felt a sharp pain in the palm of my hand and looked down to see blood rolling down my hand and dripping onto the floor. I didn't freak out, I didn't try to stop it, I felt strangely.....calm. Like I forgot about everything that was going on and just escaped into a new world. I slowly bent down and picked up a broken piece of glass and shakily put it against my wrist. I pushed down and watched a bright red line appear. I did it again but each time deeper than the other until my legs felt wobbly and my vision became blurry and I dropped the piece of glass and collapsed on the floor.

"What have I done?"

I snapped back into reality when the bell rang so I put away my blade and rolled down my sleeves and hurried out of the bathroom and started walking to the principal's office.

Well, the principal's office was fun. I'm being put into summer school, but I honestly don't really care. I'm just done for today. On my way home from school, I make a quick stop at the forest near my house and sit down on a fallen thick branch. I take out my phone and see that MDE (my digital escape) has uploaded a video. I don't bother taking out my earbuds since I'm in the middle of the woods and play the video. I quietly laugh at the inappropriate humor that Bryan, Johnnie, and Kyle made while "innocent" little Jordan was in the corner looking frightened. At the end of the video, I felt so much better but soon my smile fades when I realize I'm back in reality.

As everyone says their goodbyes, Bryan says something that makes my eyes go huge. "Well that's all for this video. If you liked it, make sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channels. We will be seeing some of you tonight at Silver Lake Meadow at around 5:00 so make sure you come. See you guys later, bye!" I quickly looked at the time on my phone and see that It's only 3:30 so I decided to go get a monster before the meet and greet. I start walking to my house and it takes around five minutes to get there and when I reach the front porch, I take out my keys to unlock the door. Once I go inside, I see my drunk dad laying on the couch with a bottle of beer in his hand and by the look on his face, I can tell he's not happy.

He gets up but wobbles a little, trying to get his balance and walks over to me with a pissed look on his face.

"Where the hell have you been?" he slurs.

I look down while thinking of an excuse but I guess I didn't answer fast enough because I felt a stingy pain on my cheek.

He slapped me.

I back away and I was about to run past him when he grabs my arm in a hard grip and throws me against the wall.

I groan and feel hot liquid run down my head and onto my neck. I quickly get up and I'm able to run past him.

I run up the stairs and into my room and lock the door. I grab some toilet paper from the bathroom connected to my room and put it against my head. I slide down my door and close my eyes.

I really wish you were here mom. I really need you.

Miss Not So Perfect Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ