"Silver and Blood" -Denmark, Sweden, Finland-

Start from the beginning

He didn't need to be specific for me to know what he meant by that. It was as if cold water was poured over me and dripped down my now pale back when those two words were said. Goosebumps crawled against my skin as the cold metal on my hair ever so gently pressed against my head.

"That... was Lukas's." Tino continued, his tone chillingly dull. I gulped and nodded, words struggling to form in my mouth.

"Mathias! Help me!"

"I-I'm trying, I'm trying!"

I shakily reached up and unclipped the metal cross from my hair and held it in my hand. A red hue glowed faintly on its reflective silver.

I noticed Tino raising a brow as he stared at me. Was he wondering what took me so long to answer? Why hadn't I answered? He merely stated that was his clip. I could simply say the word 'yes' and that would be an answer. A simple word that took a lifetime to say.

"Yes, it's his pin." I murmured, using four words to reply. I noticed Tino lick his lips absentmindedly as his eyes locked onto the pin.

"Where is he?" Did he not know any sensitivity as he asked such a hard question in such a blunt tone?

"Dead. He's dead." My answer this time was short, flashes of events of the past crossing my eyes. I could feel his oncoming question and decided to answer it before it was asked. "We were running away from a herd and decided to climb up a tree to get away from them. Y'know, biters don't climb... So, we were climbing and I heard a branch break. I was further up than him and I look down to see him hanging upside down with his foot being stuck between a cracking branch-"

His fearful eyes stared up at mine- the most life and emotion I had ever noticed in his eyes. His hands fumbled helplessly as he tried to pull himself back up. The biters' growls below grew louder by the second.

"I tried moving down to help him up but the branch his foot was stuck on was the only one I would need to step on to reach him and that branch was too fragile to break. If I broke it, he would fall-"


"By the time I found another branch to climb to, the branch snapped. I looked back at him and... he... someone else had taken him and decided how his life would be. They decided to end it-"

I was hanging from a branch, staring down at a bloodied hand reaching for me from the grass floor below. Screams. His screams pierced through my ears and my eyes took in the whole sight. The sight of his flesh being torn from him as the biters feasted upon him. The sight of his hurt and fearful eyes never leaving mine even as he was being eaten. The sight of his crimson dripping hand desperately reaching up to the branches of the tree I hung on. The sight of that same hand twitch and slowly drop and disappear into the crowd of biters that surrounded him.

Tino's eyes fell to his lap when I looked up at him. I don't know how I appeared to him. Maybe I looked irritated that I had to explain it all. Maybe I looked sad to recall the events. Who knows. I've lost all knowledge of how to recognize my own emotions and thoughts. They just happened.

"I'm sorry." He replied softly. Silence once more.

"It's fine." I said blankly, my eyes going back to the silver clip in my hands. "I managed to recover this... when it was safe again."

I climbed down the tree when the biters had been distracted from a gunshot ways away. I noticed two figures running (one tall one and one shorter one with longish hair in a ponytail), but decided not to ponder on them. I hopped down from the tree crawled over to Lukas. It was the most devastating sight I had ever seen... Describing him would make anyone hurl and wish they didn't have ears. Hell, I wish I didn't have eyes to witness the body of the one I cared very deeply for. His eyes were half open and I could see tears still welled up in them. I grasped the bloodied hand that had so desperately reached out for me but I knew it was too late when he didn't return my hold. The only thing I could find on him that wasn't harmed was the clip. The only damage done to that is it being bathed in it's owner's blood.

I closed my fist around the clip, feeling it's forever cold metal press against my palm. I don't remember ever feeling it warm. It's always been cold.

"We should rest." I mumbled, trying to shift the conversation somewhere else. I didn't want to talk anymore about the past- especially about death. Tino nodded, grabbing his jacket and draping it over his shoulders.

Lying down on my makeshift pillow, I placed the clip back in my hair. I always wear it. Ever since that day  I haven't gone a day without wearing it. Don't ask why because I wouldn't know what to answer. I don't know how to answer any question accurately now. Everything is just a mystery now and direct answers don't exist.

It didn't take long for me to fall asleep. I'd developed an ability to make my sleep quick and awake to the slightest noise. However, as I fell into my slumber, one last thought crossed my mind.

Did Berwald come back yet?


Author's Note:

Aye I found out I could write on Wattpad on my school iPad so my chapters will most likely come along more frequently now. Well, I hope.

I hope you guys like this chapter!

Please leave me your feedback in the comments/reviews! I love reading them and help me continue writing!

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