Chapter 13

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The house where the explosion was, was not at all modern. Windows had now blown out, but the explosion itself had been pretty well contained to the workshop that was in the back of the house. It seemed perhaps that no one was home, but it was the lone house that seemed ancient and out of date compared to the rest of the neighborhood. Elizabeth thought, as much as her grandmother had, that it was part of it's charm.

Most stayed away, though there were a few curious souls, and of course those who had been trying to get her to sell, but much like Genny, she'd refused. At the sound of the explosion, Ezra had gone outside, rushing to make sure Silas was alright, and perhaps to see if anyone was hurt.

If either of them dared to venture outside, he'd shout for them to stay now someone would have called 911, or at least he'd hoped.

The gunman taunted Silas. "He's a dead man, just as you will be if you don't leave."

Ezra moved silently, listening, wondering if the guy was alone.

Silas glared at him " Not gonna happen."

Though Silas was worried about what Anders might not have been telling them, his main focus now, was keeping him and Freya safe and he couldn't help but be slightly relieved, that the man wasn't there because of him, or Ezra.

The man moved to stab Silas who was unarmed, but Silas was able to block it and the two men engaged in a struggle, while Ezra went looking to make sure that the man was a loner...

She had made her way outside. She had even heard Ezra tell her to stay back, but that stubborn streak in her made it hard for her to listen. Though she was relieved that Ez was okay, she need to see and touch Silas.

Anders tried to keep her back, he wrapped an arm around her waist. "Stay here baby girl." She struggled a little. She wanted to call out to Silas. She struggled in Anders arms a little. "Silas!" she called.

That man better be all right, Anders thought to himself, he was worried but would never admit as much, at least not now. "Shhh.. Ezra will find him." It had cooled off, like it always does, and she shivered, since she was dressed in just a night shirt.

The gunman as far as he knew was alone, but in the shadows far enough away to stay out of sight but still see all that was going on from the explosion to the struggle happening in front of the building. He was even able to get a glimpse of the girl. Wolff would be please with that little bit of information, though it will be shadowed with this botched attempt to removed the guy from her life.

It seemed that they had multiplied around her. This all would not have happened had that stupid manager hadn't got so trigger happy and assault her during business hours. His eye goes back to the scope of the gun.

He didn't want to hit the others until their threat level is assessed further by his bosses. He waited, patiently for the right moment and then pulled the trigger, and watched as the man dropped.

Ezra was distracted by the energy coming from where the explosion had taken place. In some ways he was in tune with natural energy more then he was with normal life. It's what often got him in trouble in school when he was younger, daydreaming they'd said. Telling him to pay attention in class, it had been hard for him to focus.

He didn't want to draw attention to himself, it wouldn't be much longer before the sirens showed up, yet he moved as close as he could, closing his eyes, what had happened there? Silas spun around when the gunman went down. Someone was watching them, and not in a good way.

He felt the hairs on the back of his neck raise, taking a couple more deep breaths, his shoulder was bleeding from where the guy had gotten him earlier in the scuffle, but he didn't seem phased by it, instead moving in the direction of where the second shot came from.

Bright Lights, Broken Dreamsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें