Chapter 8

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Despite how much he'd hid it, what Silas probably needed most right now was human contact. Normally he'd kept his wounds buried pretty deep, his emotions rarely ever coming to the surface, except where his family was concerned, but even then he was carefully guarded.

Still on edge from the thunderstorm, he was upset with himself for losing it the way he had, outside, the war, at least for him, was over. Regardless how much he kept to himself, there was a part of him that ached, a part of himself that he'd closed off ever since Ace...which had been a few yeas back....Silas had gone off the grid after that, shutting himself off to the world and by doing so had lost touch with the most important people of his youth...

Still he found himself quietly watching, perhaps imagining what it might be like to let himself lose control with the attractive man that was sitting there. Damned he was sexy, he'd be the perfect escape, but Silas remained standing there frozen, turning his attention to the television, denying himself what he perhaps needed the most. It wouldn't have been fair to Anders or to Freya or Silas really.

If it hadn't been for his brother, Libby, or Drew, he might have just vanished. "I don't suppose you have beer?" Silas finally spoke, trying to cut through the tension of the situation and push away the echoes that were begging him to give in. It was just a phone call, a call that perhaps Ezra should have taken, if for nothing else to get answers, or at least be brave enough to tell the witch to pack sand.

In a moment of weakness, before Freya, he'd called her and that had been his own failing, still wanting to trust, to believe that there'd been love there, but whatever he'd felt for her, was nothing in comparison to the sparks that were igniting within him, despite knowing that he should push her away, towards Silas or anyone else. She shouldn't want him, she shouldn't trust him, the things he'd done.

He should push her away, but if he did that then Anders would make them leave, and he didn't want to leave her unprotected, maybe this was all just another sick twisted dream, and she was his angel, his light, his way out. His hand brushed through her hair, gingerly, as though she was a figment of his imagination.

Anders ignored all, or at least tried to. His concern for Freya, and the fact that she had not 1 but 2 very sexy men, almost strangers caring for her. Granted the two seemed to have some heavy baggage, Freya had her own baggage. Hell so did he. It was quiet after hearing the soft whispering from Freya. Blissful silence. Then Silas spoke.  Anders turned, her brow raised over bright blue eyes.

"There might be some in the fridge, top shelf in the back." He was 22, 2 years older than Freya. "Grab me 1 while you are in there.." he said as a after thought. "Then decided what you are doing, either sit in here, or check on them.."

She sighed softly as she felt his hand brushing lightly through her hair. She didn't say anything right at the moment, there was nothing to say, really she didn't know what to say. She closed her eyes and listened to the beat of his heart as well as the soft murmur of Ander and Silas' voices over in the living area.

Ezra's hand shook. He didn't want to frighten Freya, but he was genuinely scared, all this time, he thought he'd been hallucinating, or being made a fool, yet there in his arms, she was so beautiful, and so full of light. Despite all that had happened to him, he still felt fiercely protective of the beautiful soul that felt so real, he was struggling to find his way back to the surface.

Silas wanted to help, but it wasn't his place to do so. That and he didn't want to frighten Freya, or make things any worse then they already were. Still he was concerned, because while Freya was very real, Silas knew that his brother had been through hell, and in some ways was still trying to climb his way back out. He also understood destiny and fate, and trusted that the stories Genny had told the boys when they were small, had at least some sliver of truth to them. She'd taught them to always follow their heart, though through the heartache and suffering, the pain and the lies, both men were struggling to trust their hearts.

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