BTS- Jungkook Requested- Maicy56

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I sat on the couch, eating Oreo cookie dough ice cream, the best thing in the world. I suddenly heard a clatter upstairs, I ran upstairs and saw my boyfriend Jungkook shirtless, in nothing but shorts. I looked on the floor and I saw the broken picture frame of him and his grandpa. He finally passed away. " Jungkook, are you ok?" I asked softly. He was breathing heavily while looking at the ground. He looked at me and his eyes were glistening, he was crying. I grabbed him and hugged him, even though it was hard because of my 6th month pregnant baby belly. He just put his arms softly around me and cried into my shoulder. " Why, why this" he asked while still crying. " Jungkook, people die everyday and people are born everyday, it's just life" I whispered gently. He just tightened his grip on me. " Jungkook I am truthfully sorry but guess what, soon you're going to have a baby, then they will grow and have one as well" I said holding his face in my hands. " Do we have to think about that before the babies even born?" He asked laughing a little. " Of coarse, we are his parents after all" I said touching my belly. Jungkook put both of his hands on my belly and of coarse the baby kicked. " Do you have to hit appa right now?" I asked my stomach. " He's like his mother in that way" Jungkook said smirking. I just laughed and looked at my belly. Jungkook took his hand and lifted up my chin, he kissed me. " I love you" he said, " I love you too". My belly kicked again. " We love you to" Jungkook and I said at the same time.  

Kpop Imagines, any boy band.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora