Got7- BamBam Requested- Autumn_Diamonds

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Y/n's poverty;
I was skateboarding with my best friend Minho, I was on the right and he was on the left. We were having a competition on seeing who was a better skateboarder, which I was getting my ass kicked in. We stopped and took a break, as I sat down I got a text from my boyfriend. " Come home, we need to talk about something!" I looked at Minho and said " Time to go". He new what I was talking about and he got up and hugged me. We said bye and I made my way home. I opened the door with my keys and when I turned around I saw my boyfriend right in front of me. " Oh my god, you scared me" I said laughing. He just looked at me then walked away. " Hey what's wrong?" I asked while taking my shoes off. " Minho, Minho's wrong" he yelled angrily. I looked at him confused, " What do you mean" I asked. " You are always spending time with him, you and him skateboarding, out to lunch and everything, do you know how long it has been since we have been on a date" he yelled at me. "BamBam, you are always busy and I only get to see you on the nights I stay up late" I said back. He just walked up to me and pushed me against the wall. " You are my girlfriend, not his, everything you are is mine, and if you don't think that go make him your new boyfriend" he said walking upstairs. I stood there frozen,  not knowing what just happened.   " BamBam wait, I'm sorry for spending so much time with him, I just have to fill the space for missing you, I just miss you so much and it's killing me alright I'm sorry for what ever I've done, please forgive me" I cried against the door. He opened the door and I fell forward into his arms. " Your forgiven" he said while hugging me. I hugged him back and kissed him. " oh so that's how your going to repay me" he said smirking. I hit his shoulder and went down stairs with him hot on my trail.

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