“S-sorry i… you in here…” He stuttered, apologizing frantically.

“I just took one look at him and muttered, “Get out.” He left in a instant.

“That wasn’t very nice, he looked really scared.” Holly childed, still out of breath.

“Sorry but he kind of interrupted us… Now where were we?” I smirked playfully, ready for another round.

“We were just about to get to class before we get detention.” Holly said more firmly then before.

“Fine but were still not done here.” I winked as I opened up the door and let us both out, we went in separate directions and not even 10 seconds later the bell rang and I could hear Holly’s string of curses as she stormed off to class. I chuckled at how cute she was before hurrying off to class myself.

I have to ask that girl to prom before its too late


(Holly’s P.O.V)

I went through the rest of the morning classes in a daze thanks to Deven’s show of affection in the closet before class. He said I drove him crazy but he’s the one putting me in a whole other world with his kisses and touches, I act like I don’t really want I’m to do it before he does it because I’m afraid that we might go too far and I’m not ready for that yet. Even though I really like him, maybe even love him, I’m just not ready for someone to do to me what Evan used to do.

Walking into the cafeteria I grabbed a tray and got my lunch before going to find outside table for me and my friends since I didn’t see them anywhere yet. I sat down at our favorite table and as soon as I unwrapped my lunch I felt someone’s warm breath on my neck. I tensed immediately thinking the worst of possibilities about who was behind me before I heard his musical voice and relaxed.

“Hello, my beautiful.” Deven said before he sat next to me before pulling me onto his lap.

“My my, someone’s feeling happy today. Might it have something to do with what happened this morning?” I teased before returning to my food.

“Maybe, but also because of something else.” He said with a hint of amusement.

Now curious I turned around to look at him, “What else?”

“You can’t think I would give up information that easily, would you? No, you’re going to have to earn it.” He voice was filled with amusement and a smirk was on his face.

“And how would I do that?”

He earned in a whispered huskily, “Oh I think you know.”

Getting his innuendo I raised my eyebrows, “Really, even after this morning?” He nodded, “God can boys ever get enough to be happy?”

“What can I say; I’m just a normal teenage boy with raging hormones.” His smirk getting wider as he said this.

“Ok fine, but only quickly because the others will be coming soon.” I said and then turned on his lap to straddle him. We kissed for I few seconds then broke apart, “Is that enough?”

“I will never have enough with you but I’ll just deal.” She said dramatically sighing while I got off his lap and sat next to him.

“Ok so tell me what else made you happy?” I questioned after a few seconds, curiosity getting the best of me.

“Well I just was thinking about how much fun it would be for us to go on a date tonight? Seeing as we never really had a first date or anything.” Deven said almost shyly. I was so shocked by his change in demeanor that I just sat their staring at I’m, he must of took that as a no because then he said, “You don’t have to say yes, I was just wondering. It’s a stupid idea anyway.”

Deven’s sad awkward expression was so cute that I just had to hug him, which took him by surprise, but he hugged me back no one the less, “Don’t be silly Deven of course I’ll go with you. When is it? And is it formal?”

“I was thinking maybe toning if that’s alright with you, and no its pretty casual so don’t dress up too fancy..” Deven replied, getting some of his confidence back.

“Ok, what are we going to do?” I questioned.

“I can’t tell you that. It has to be a surprise.” He saw I was about to protest and cut in before I could say anything, “And no, don’t even try to persuade me because I won’t tell you.”

I saw the determination in his eyes and knew I had lost. Seeing the others coming up to the table I slumped back into my seat, pretending to be mad that he wouldn’t tell be, but fail because of how happy I was. I’m Going on a date with Deven!


Hey guys!

So I know this chapter was a little boring but I had to get Deven to ask her out, and it wasn’t all bad seeing as there’s a lot of Deven Holly action in it ;P.

Ok for next chapter to be updated I will update in 1-2 weeks if I get 5 votes so plz VOTE\FAN\COMMENT

Anywho hope you enjoyed it!

<3 Alexis4815

Trying To ForgetOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora