Chapter 52: Love and Loss

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After a while people started to move again, and the Prince's guards came up to Sir Gather. Daithey tensed, wondering if they would arrest him for the Prince's death. They didn't. They formed a circle around their fallen liege lord, bowing their heads in honor. Sir Gather slowly got up, backing away, eyes dull. The group rushed to him, just as he stumbled. They caught him, supporting them to their house.

"Are you okay?" Cathy asked him after they got to their shared home. Sir Gather shook his head before laying his head in his hands.

"What have I done." He moaned, not looking at them. He sniffled. "Can you cook us some food, Drege?" He asked after a while, looking up. Drege hurried away to cook up whatever he could.

Soon they were all eating a batch of pancakes around a blazing fire. Sir Gather was looking a little better, but he still looked terrible.

A knock at the door sent them all scrabbling for their weapons. Drege looked out the door and relaxed. He opened the door and they saw Quinten. He smiled at them.

"Hey! I heard you guys got back, and I just thought I would stop by." He glanced at the small number of people. "I heard about the commotion at the Capitol. Everyone is scrabbling around trying to figure out what to do." When he noticed how Sir Gather flinched he tactfully changed the subject.

"So, what are you planning to do now that you're back?" He asked, looking inquisitively between them. They all looked at each other, realizing that they had no clue.

"I... I don't know." Drege said, looking at Cathy. "Maybe... Never mind." He continued to look at Cathy. A thought seemed to hit him. 

"We actually did it." He whispered, stepping closer to Cathy. She looked up lovingly into his eyes. He stroked her hair gently. She placed her hand over his and her sturdy frame relaxed as she stared into his eyes. Drege brushed his lips against hers, drawn to her like a moth to a flame.

Quinten looked away, looking embarrassed. He glanced at Daithey, who was sitting by Sir Gather, his hand on the man's shoulder. His cheeks flushed when Daithey looked over at him.

Drege kissed Cathy again, but this time on her forehead. He held her to him, wishing for the moment to last. He loved Cathy. He loved her so much. He lay his head on hers, felling the softness of her hair. 

"Can we walk?" She asked him quietly. He lifted his head and looked at her. He nodded, and without telling the others where he was going, walked outside with Cathy.

"Should we go after them?" Daithey asked Sir Gather. He shook his head.

"No. They are more than capable of taking care of themselves. Besides, Drege's 22." Sir Gather stared off, looking not at the surroundings but at something in his brain. "And I think they want to be alone." Quinten stood awkwardly.

"Do you want some pancakes?" Daithey asked him, offering the steaming pile. He smiled, grateful for the intervention from his thoughts.

"Yeah. Thanks." He grabbed some and started to wolf them down.

Drege held Cathy's hand as they walked through the fields outside of the City. He looked around at the flowers and butterflies. He picked one of the flowers, a small pink flower with 5 dainty petals and a bright yellow pistil standing out against the soft pink. He handed it to Cathy, who silently took it in her hands, and held it gently, staring at it with a smile on her face. She smelled the lovely fragrance of the flower before looking up at Drege.

"Thanks you." She said, tucking the flower into her blouse. Drege's breath quickened as she looked up at him. Emotions rolled around inside of him. "It is beautiful." She continued.

"Not nearly as beautiful as you are." He murmured, pulling her to him. He kissed her and continued to kiss her, feeling all his emotions whirl around even faster, and he aced with longing. He broke away after a long while, thoughts muddied. They were both breathing hard, and Cathy's eyes glistened and she smiled. He knew right then what he was going to do.

"Cathy." He said, holding her at arms length. "I...I have a question for you." He looked away, suddenly questioning his decision. Then he looked back at her lovely red hair and smooth face and he knew he would go through with it.

He knelt, one knee on the soft Earth, the other in the air. He held her hands firmly and looked into her eyes. "Cathy, will you marry me?" He asked, his voice shaky. A happy smile spread across her face.

"Oh Drege! Yes, yes! She threw herself into his arms and kissed him, elation making her spirits soar. They fell to the ground and Drege laughed happily. He was engaged! He felt as if he were floating on a cloud.

"Oh my darling." He whispered. "I love you."

The Dying Kingdomजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें