Chapter 51: Royalty

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A wicked smile spread across the Prince's face. The blood in his face was slowly draining away and he was growing paler by the minute. Sir Gather stared in horror at the possessed Prince.

"Joue." He whispered, yearning to reach out and hug him close. An eerie laugh came out of the Prince, bouncing off the surrounding buildings, thousands of his laugh ringing in their ears.

"You cowards. You pesky, hornless humans," he spit out the word as if it pained him to even think of them, "you could not even hurt a fly." He snarled and drew out the Prince's gleaming falchion out of his belt. He stepped toward the mass of people surrounding the Capitol. Everyone stared at him, flinching as he moved closer, but nothing more. His guards stood, unsure what to do. 

He stepped forward again, and again, nobody moved an inch. He laughed maniacally, his eyes sparkling.He swung back to cut his sword through the silent crowd, smug in his success. No one would dare strike out against their prince, and everyone was to scared and confused to move away.

Instinct kicked in, and Sir Gather realized that if nobody did anything, chaos would reign, everyone would die, and the King of the Tallio would rise again. All of this ran through his head in milliseconds. Before thinking of what he was doing, he drew his dagger out of his boot and flung the dagger at the Prince's chest. 

The blade flew straight and true, sinking into the Prince's heart. He jerked, letting out a gurgle, then fell to the ground. Realization flooded through Sir Gather and he let out a sob. The Prince twitched, and the Tallio inside him bellowed as he realized that he was trapped inside this dying body. That's all The Prince was to him. A body.

Sir Gather fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face. "What have I done." He sobbed, crawling to Joue. He knelt beside the body, placing his hand over the gushing wound. His head fell on the bloody chest, shudders wracking his frame. He had killed the Prince. The successor to the throne, and the man he loved.

He lifted his head and gazed at Joue's face. His eyes were open and his mouth was slightly ajar. Sir Gather reached up and closed his eyes. He smiled sadly, stroking his face. He looked so peaceful.

He looked up at the crowd and hesitated. They would all know about him and Joue. Then he cursed. "Fuck them all." He lowered his face and kissed Joue, gently brushing his lips against Joue's cold ones. He drew back, his hands on his face.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, sobs returning, grief ripping at his heart. He crumpled against Joue, tears staining his Princely clothing. "I'm so, so sorry." He choked out, sadness, regret, and love his only emotions.

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