Chapter 9: Penni

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After everyone finished all their food, the small group set off.

"We all share a big house. It has four rooms, so you're going to have to share with one of us." Sir Gather explained. "I don't share a room with anyone, and neither does Cathy, but..." He petered off, leaving the last of his sentence unsaid, but understood as he glanced at the girl.

"I could sleep in the living room." Daithey offered, not wanting to intrude.

"Nonsense, boy! You will sleep in my room tonight, besides, I want to talk to you." He said heartily. He walked forward to the head of the group, his salt and pepper hair swishing back and forth in its short ponytail.

Kaity walked up to him and nudged him. "You get to meet my cat. Her name's Penni. She's really adorable, you'll love her." She exclaimed, boasting about her cat.

"She's technically not a cat. She's a shapeshifter. She just likes being a cat the most." Henry said, coming to the other side of Daithey.

"Henry! Don't ruin the surprise!" She teased, chuckling to herself. Henry joined in, as well as Daithey. Soon they were all three howling of laughter.

"What? Did someone say something funny and I missed it?" Cathy asked, looking between the three of them with her arms crossed over her chest.

"I don't even know." Kaity puffed out, still out of breath from laughing.

"We're here! Come on everyone, get yourselves together." Drege said, a smile on his face as he turned the doorknob. "Daithey. Here's your new home. At least, until we set out in a week or so." He said, pushing the door open. A fuzzy grey cat pounced out and started meowing and rubbing herself on everyone's legs. When she got to Daithey she sniffed him, circled once around him, and then plopped herself at his feet, belly up.

"She likes you. Go on, pet her." Kaity urged. He bent down and rubbed the soft grey fur. Penni started to purr loudly. "Penni Elias Altera. The best shapeshifting cat in the whole wide world." She continued cooing to the cat and rubbing her head. She started to purr even louder.

"Okay, now that you've met the pet, come on in and get used to your new home." Sir Gather called out behind his shoulder as he walked inside. Daithey got up to follow, but Kaity caught his arm, turning him towards her.

"Penni usually takes a lot of time to get used to someone. But not you. You're special." She whispered, smiling warmly at him. "Now go on, you wouldn't want to miss your date, now would you?" She finished jokingly. He smiled back and followed Sir Gather into the warm, welcoming house.

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