Chapter 20: Where Are You Staying?

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I made almost made it through security check, but I had to remove everything. One of the security guards noticed it was me so he had to buff guys walk with me to my terminal just to make sure I didn't get mauled by anyone. By the time I got to the seating area it was 3:50 and people were already being boarded onto the aircraft.

By the time I sat down there was 10 minutes till take off. I was getting comfortable in my seat, I was happy I got the window seat and not somebody else. I put my head back on the head rest and then I felt a body sit in the seat next to me. I glanced over, but did a double take on who it was.

"You've got to be shitting me right now." The boy with the Australian accent cursed. "Hey didn't think I would see you next to me." I said trying to sound nice. "Did you follow Ariana and me here and change you ticket so you can talk more shit on me?!" Jai scolded.

"Actually no..You see I got home and took a quick nap, but I over slept and missed my flight soo...." I trailed off looking out the window. "Well thanks to you I had to spend the night in a holding cell." He said clenching his teeth.

"Hey man, I'm truly sorry about that, but look I'm just trying to get back to California and sleep in my bed..Okay?" I said closing my eyes. "I'm here to do the same." "Good glad we're on the same page Jai."

I couldn't believe out of all the people that got on THIS EXACT plane, Jai had to be one of them. I wasn't going to make a scene and I wasn't going to start up an argument. I just wanted to go home and get away from him before he started other crap. 'Everyone please sit in your seats and watch the informational video that will be presented.' A flight attendant announced through he little microphone.


The plane ride felt short mainly because I was sleeping through have of it. I waited till almost everyone was off the plane, so it made it easier to get my bag from the compartment that was above me. Before I walked out one of the flight attendants told me that there would be escorts for me when I exit the tunnel. I flashed a smile at her and said 'thank you'.

A couple of screams let out through the airport as I was walking, I tried to stop and take pictures with some fans, but the guards told me to keep moving and they were pushing the fans back. After what felt like forever we finally reached the black Escalade, that was in the pick-up area. I was rushed inside the backseat of the car, fans were banging on the glass, and trying their best to look in, but the windows were hella tinted.

"Hello Mr. Bieber, Will I be dropping you off at the studio or your house?" Hank the driver asked.  "To my house Hank, and you don't have to call me 'Mr. Bieber' you can just call me Justin." I smiled. "Note taken." He said driving out of the crowd carefully.

(Phone Call)

Scooter- HELLO? JUSTIN!?

Justin- Scooter what's wrong?!?!


Justin- Ohh, You probably called me when I was on the plane.

Scooter- On the plane to where?...YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE IN CALIFORNIA!!

Justin- Yo calm down I just landed here and now I'm going to my house.

Scooter- Good, you had me worried there for a sec

Justin- yeah I could tell.

Scooter- Anyway, I'm going to tell you what I told Ariana.

Justin- Okay...

Scooter- You know what time of year it is in LA and all these award shows are going on, so your invited to appear at them...I also set you up with two interviews and maybe one more, but I'm not sure yet.

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