Chapter 1. Work

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Luke's P.O.V

I stared at the papers in front of me then looked at the two men in front of me. They both wore suits and I could see one of them sweat. They held on to a suit case.

"S-So what do you say," one of them choked out.

I stood up,

"You think you're going to get part of my land," I chuckled.

The two laughed nervously then looked at each other and I grabbed one of them by the collar. His eyes widened,

"You disgust me," I growled.

I threw him down and glared at the other one.

"S-sorry alpha, we'll leave then."

They quickly took off.

-Make sure they get off my land in thirty seconds or kill them.- I mind-linked one of my pack members.

-Yes alpha.-

I tore up the papers and threw them in the garbage. People like them make me sick, thinking they can try and over power me. I heard a knock on the door,


One of my cook's entered she bowed slightly,

"Your dinner's ready Alpha."

I nodded and followed behind her leading to my table. I sat down and they served a whole buffet of food. 

"Chester," I called.

Quickly he came running,

"Yes alpha."

"What's on today's plans."

"W-Well you refused the offer. That's done. Seems like in an hour you have a meeting. Also you marked to go check on the guards training and to look for any new recruits. Lastly to go into town to meet up a man."

I sighed and nodded,

"Alright thank you."

He bowed and quickly scattered away. Nothing ever changes when you're in the top. Meetings, boring stuff, saying no to stuff. Yet every once in awhile there's always something amusing like another pack challenging your pack. Hehe, they end up loosing and you shred them into little pieces.

I finished my meal and went to change for the meeting. Well this is going to be interesting.


I got in my car tired from the meeting. My phone vibrated and I saw a text from Chester.

From Chester: Today's Plans:

Check up on the Guards training, then look for new recruits. 

Then In an hour go meet up the man.

I started the car and made my way to the training center. Chester's been my secretary for a long time. Most of the time I'll mind link my guards and servants but with him it's different. Let's just say we have a long past together and he isn't like us either. He's ...well a vampire with a bit of a demon in him. We go way back when I was in my teen's and when I wanted to be an Alpha. 

"Good times," I chuckled.

I arrived at the guards training. I walked in and saw them fighting both in wolf form and human. There teacher stood walked watching and when he noticed me he yelled,


Everyone stopped,

"Bow down to Alpha Luke"

Everyone turned and bowed. I kept walking to him,

"Hello Alpha."

"How are they?"

"They've been trained well and I think they will be good guards."

I nodded and looked around to see kids also fighting soon to grow into old much better fighters.

"I can show you the top five best here so far."

I nodded and followed him to the other side where I saw them fight fiercely. Then I noticed a kid in the group.

"That's Jake he's Seven and very good and quick."

I watched him fight one of my guards and take him down in a snap then shifting when my guard shifted,

"It maybe because he's a rare wolf."

I nodded noticing the kids white fur and blue eyes. I looked at the time and noticed I had to go,

"I'll be back tomorrow I have someone to meet up with. I want them fighting each other tomorrow."

He nodded nervously.

"Yes Alpha."


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