Chap 11 - Discovering a World (Version 1)

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So yeah I know, I' am so sorry for not updating for so loooong. Coz mah former senpai got a girlfriend even though we are already close and my new crush now got a girlfriend too. T^T sad life, but I still have Ryan Higa-senpai. Well let's start reading! Oh yeah btw all ( )<- are Author's Note. Ok?! (~*3*)~


Lucy was walking mindlessly through an endless forest, but it seems that, its pattern kept on repeating. She stopped and looked up; she saw the sky, odd! It was colored violet and yellowish gold with star dust scattered. It was captivating then, suddenly meteors appeared and started to fall. A big meteor coming towards her, Lucy tried to moved but she couldn't, 10 meters ... still can't move, but she was fighting over to move, to... run, but failed, 6 meters .... Still trying, then 3 meters, 2 ... she closed her eyes, waiting for the big impact ... but nothing happened, instead it hits the ground near her and the ground shakes. There's a loud 'rawr' sound. Slowly, Lucy opened her eyes, and became wide as saucers, she saw a big dragon.

Her scales were like clouds (well just like Aries, guys), puffy, but instead of white it was pale violet and yellow (with star dust of course, like the sky) and it has a pair of dark horns, and its claws were also dark. Her eyes were piercing pale gold.

"Well, Hi there young lady" Lucy snapped when she heard a feminine voice around her, she look left and right but no sign of anyone.

"Well, this is how I communicate in dreams, Lucy" Lucy looked at the thing in front of her, and then the dragon smiled at her.

"W-who are you?" Lucy said stuttering, while recovering from 'the big' shock.

"I'm Wis, young lady, a Dream, Stars and Night Dragon" Wis replied. Lucy blinked many times while, accepting those shocking information.

'How can this be possible, I thought dragons are all extinct' Lucy thought. While Wis chuckled.

"Well, Lucy, we are not, we are kind of living in other dimension/world" Lucy looked at her, puzzled.

"Well, Amazing right? Lucy, would you like to know why I came to your dream, no?" Wis tilted her head.

"Yes please, Wis I wanted to know. And by the way, are there more dragons?"

"Well, okay, please don't startle about this, but I kind of investigated your memories about your former guilds Fairy Tail and Sabertooth. I can tell that you were hurt by many people, humiliated & tired and you wanted revenge, no?" Lucy nodded. "So I am here, inviting you to come with me to our world, of course to train and teach you different kinds of magic, and don't worry our world is a perfect field to train. And yes again for the second question"

"How are we going to meet? And when?"

"Well, at the forest, you'll notice the patterns of the trees and that log there .And at 10' or so. Goodbye, you may continue sleeping."

"Okay, got it"

Wis' POV

'I better bring this girl, she got some potentials and better train her, then we will teach her all the elements and any other type of magic she want, so that she will have her revenge and this is for her own good ........ And to have my.......... Revenge too.'

Normal POV

Lucy woke up, she looked around she saw Rogue sleeping peacefully with Fro and Tory (Lector XD) beside him. It was past 7 already, she stood up and get ready ~ means bath and do girly things~ and went downstairs to get the food she ordered, for her and her companions, meaning her friends. Lucy went to Rogue's bed to wake him up and the exceeds, first the exceeds, well they're good boys they woke up real quick, because Lucy said something about fish for their breakfast. Unlike, this guy here, Rogue still sleeping with faint snores, she shove him, shake him ... result failed. Then Lucy saw Rogue shift position and groaned.

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