Chap 8: Joining and ...

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Rogue's POV

While, Lucy is buying tickets, Sting and I are talking about Lucy.

"Man, I think I like Blondie" said Sting while playing with Lector.

"How about, Yukino?"

"I like her too" Sting replied, 'Sting you baka! You must choose only one, you can choose Yukino but not Lucy'

"Sting that's-" I was cut off by Lucy

"Sting likes ... who?"  asked Lucy, Sting flinched

"I li-like Lector, yeah Lector hahaha" Lucy doesn't seem convinced. But she shrugged it off.

"Sting-kun you're ly- -" (A/N: lying) Sting covered Lector's mouth with his left hand, and his right hand waving at Lucy.

"Lucy that's nothing" 'this is getting annoying'

"Enough chit-chat let's go" I demand. Lucy carried Plue and walk through the train.

Lucy's POV

Fro and Lector sat beside me and Plue is in my lap, while Rogue and Sting sat across us. When the train began to move, Sting suddenly fell on the table and turned green, while Rogue is leaning on the inside-back and wearing his stoic face, of course he's also turned green. (A/N: 'inside-back' is that right?)

Normal POV

Few hours later...

Their group has finally arrived in their destination, Sabertooth.

"Finally, we're here... Are you ready Lucy?" asked Sting, while softly pushing the guild's door. Lucy just nod. The guild doors open revealing their Master.

"Welcome back Master" the guild members greeted their  Master.

"Yo" Sting responded

"Master, who's She?"  a guild member asked

"She is Lucy Heartfilia"  said Sting. The members greeted her. Sting led the way to a table that occupied by Rufus, and Orga. Yukino went up to do a mission. Minerva also went up to a 2months mission. Yes she's not bad here.

"Hello, miss Lucy Heartfilia, I'm Rufus Lohr, a Memory-Make Mage" *takes off hat* and *bow*Rufus introduced himself

"Wow, is a rare kind of Molding Magic" said Lucy with amazed look.

"I'll keep you in my Memory" Rufus said winking at Lucy, Lucy smiled at him and Sting  'let out some murderous aura' and Rufus notice it 'hmm... Interesting'. Rufus looked at Rogue, Rogue is Intently looking at Lucy 'very interesting' Rufus thought.

"Yo, I'm Orga Nanagear, an awesome Lighting God Slayer and a great singer" Orga said. Orga went up to stage. He started singing like Gajeel, every guild member started to cover their ears, even Sting. When the song was over everyone sighed in relief.

"That was great" Lucy said while clapping, everyone stared at her with confuse looks.

"Thank you." Said Orga, quite flustered.

After that mini-concert Sting asked Lucy.

"Lucy ,where do you want to put your guild mark?"

"On my left hand, Black, thanks"

Time skip: Evening

"Can you two come with me to find an inn?" Lucy asked the Dou

"Lucy, why don't you stay at us, in our apartment we have an extra room." Said Rogue

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