Chapter 4-- Amusing you say? (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

I sighed dreamily, hopefully someday, someday, when I’m in college or something that one guy would say words as sweet as those to me. When the guy said ‘You are my girl’ I seriously fell in love.

I fall in love a lot with fictional characters. Those sweet and endearing guys who just sweep you off your feet? Yeah. I just love those sorts of characters.

The bell rang; I hopped off the soft chair and made my way towards the checking out counter where Mrs. Bernard stood. I handed her the book and my library card, she took  her stamp and marked the date of return on my library card and the book.

She cocked an approving eyebrow at me, “Oh wow, you survived.”

“What?” then I realized she wasn’t even looking at me, she was looking behind me. I looked too out of curiosity.

You have got to be kidding me.

A certain green-eyed boy looked amused again, he stayed? He actually stayed for an hour and watched me read? I thought it was creepy but I was sort of surprised that he managed to just sit there and not talk.

“I actually enjoyed my stay.” He chuckled, his voice rang loud and clear; he was speaking the truth. But why would he enjoy his stay if he just sat there and stared at me while I read?

Mrs. Bernard smiled kindly at me and handed me the book, she tugged on my sleeve and pulled me down so that our heads were both bent above the desk.

“You better get him to be yours before anyone does sweet pie.” She whispered seriously. I rolled my eyes, giving her my last goodbye then walking out the library.

“Leave—“I started, but Ranier cut me off.

“I think you’re adorable when you’re reading.” I blushed, “I’m going, don’t worry. Sorry for annoying you and flicking you multiple times.” Well sorry doesn’t cut it dude! I yelled at him in my mind, “—with a rubber band. I have Computer Science next.” He bid me adieu and went on his way.

“Yeah! You better walk away armpit face!” I yelled.

Well I wish I did, but there’s a possibility that I destroy my dignity whilst doing that. So, all I did was wave my hand and went on my own way.

I’ve never really met a guy who could just sit there and not complain while I’m reading. I’ve only brought a few guys into the library to try and finish a project, but they always fall asleep and I end up doing all the work myself. I try and try to walk but I was too busy thinking about one thing.

He told me I was adorable.


That one compliment sent my heart fluttering in my chest. Oh God, hearts don’t flutter; especially not for an irritating guy like John Ranier Williams.


Lunch came, and I walked begrudgingly to the cafeteria where there was a 99% chance that I might bump into two of the most irritating people in the school.

“Anna! Over here!” a blonde haired girl called me from a circular table. I jogged over to them, sitting in between Patricia and Alice. Sherlene was seated to the left of Tricia and Sheena sat next to her.

As soon as I sat down someone tapped my shoulder, oh please let it be someone who isn’t infuriating… I turned around, expecting to see a pair of green eyes or hazel ones. But boy was I wrong.

April stood there, dark sea blue eyes looking hesitant, her red hair swept into a neat ponytail. I grinned, “Hey April.”

“Uh… W-Would you mind if I sat with you?” She stammered. A blush colored her cheeks, standing out on her pale porcelain skin. She wasn’t new here or anything; I wonder where her friends are. I didn’t mean that to sound rude or anything… I’m merely wondering how she survived this shark infested sea without getting bitten.

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