Chapter 1

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I was gaining back consciousness from a hit, only to find myself tied up to a chair, no rag stuffed into my mouth nor being blindfolded.

I could see a man approaching towards my dad who was attempting to burn off the ropes that had him tied but unsuccessfully, he died with a slash to his throat. Blood spurted all over the wooden floor, some got onto my face. His struggling came to a stop, lifeless.

Beyond shocked, my mind went blank. "Go away..." were the only words that I could utter. I was totally flushed at what just had happened. The man dropped the knife and turned to face me.

He was wearing a worn, cracked mask and a blood-stained hoodie. The blood's probably my dad's.

"HAHAHAHA what did you just say? I couldn't hear you at all." he placed this hand to his ear and laughed maniacally.

"Go away..."

"Oh I won't go away, I still have you and your mother left to play with. That was just a warm up and the real fun... is just beginning. Why don't you take a look at your mother. She's anticipating to have some fun as well. I wonder what I should do next? Should I break her limps one after another or jab her eyeballs out? How wonderful! There are so many ways of torturing!"

The man walked to mom, grabbing her by the chin and checked her out, "Such a beauty. I can see why he chose you as his bride. He's only after for your looks, fool."

He picked up the lighter that dad was using and lit it, "Let's set your hair on fire and at the same time, let it burn you whole, alright?"

Mom kept quiet and closed her eyes, prepared to join dad, nothing to be said.

"NO! DON'T DO IT! PLEASE!" I screamed.

"Well..." the man then lit her hair on fire.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" the room was filled with mom's screaming. Her skin and flesh instantly turned black and burnt as the fire advanced forward. What's worse is that, she wasn't able to move, being tied up and all.

Few moments later, her screams died down and everything went completely silent.

"That was fast, wasn't it? Surprised that your neighbors couldn't hear that loud of a scream, they're deaf." he grabbed the knife he threw earlier and pointed it at me. To the spot where my heart is, "Now, all that's left is just you." he's gonna kill me... I'm going to die. Rip Rinn...

"Dad! Mom! Rinn! I'm home." that voice! Crap! It's my older brother!

The man responded to it and cracked up laughing, "Looks like we have got another visitor. Let me get him so stay here obediently and remain silent. I'll be back for you, little girl." the man left the room. 'Damn! If Ryu's captured, he will end up like mom and dad. I've gotta do something... but what?'

Slowly, the room started to fog with the smoke that was seeped in from under the door. A firebreak?

Coughing and choking, I thought this would be the end of me, just when my brother barged into the room and found me. He untied the ropes and we scurried to the window nearby.

"When I say jump then jump, okay?" I nodded.

"Ju..." he halted, a knife pierced through his heart, Ryu looked down to the knife and back at me, "Stay strong..." he squeaked out his final words and pushed me out of the window.

"NO! RYU!!!"

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