Chapter Six

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Luke's car got there - to the restaurant - a little before the others, so they had to wait. Which was awkward because Ben had made no attempt to let Molly feel welcome and nor did Luke do anything to correct that matter. He was glad when he saw Leia's car.

"Han got the directions wrong. Again!" Leia remarked.

"Hey you grew up in this town not me princess!" Han retorted, throwing an old endearment/insult her way.

Leia let out a groan and slammed the door as Padme and Anakin got out of their doors. "It's not like it's a big town Han!"

"How many of us are there?" Han asked when they got into the restaurant.

"Can't you count?" Leia asked Han.

"Table for seven?" a voice asked. They all looked to see a young woman standing with a set of menus. She wore a tag on her uniform that said 'manager' and her beautiful hair up in a neat bun. Leia didn't recognise her for a minute and had to do a double take at the name tag on her uniform.

"Mara?" Leia asked.

"Oh Principe Organa. Hello." Mara smiled, blinking. Her eyes were tired. 

"Mara." Luke uttered, his whole face lighting up at the sound of her name as he immediately walked up next to Leia. "You're working here?"

"I sure am. Let me take you to your table." she said and showed them all.

"Is that your girlfriend?" Ben whispered when he was sat in between Luke and Anakin. Luckily only Luke heard.

He couldn't even answer his nephew.

"Okay I'm just going to start off with asking you a quick question. What can I get that's low fat, low sugar, low salt..." Molly began.

"I'm going to stop you right here and tell you the only thing that you can get which satisfies that demand is water." Mara responded.

"Do you even do salad?" Molly asked.

"Yes but it's low fat, but not low salt."

"Well give me a salad." 

"You can make this order when the waiter comes. I was just seating you at your table."

"Mara. Are you okay?" Luke asked her.

"I'm great." Mara smiled. "I hope you enjoy your meals today and if you have any problems with the staff please feel free to tell me."

She left them to it and a waiter approached the table. "Hello my name is Dimitri. I take your oder. What you want?" he asked.

"A salad please." Molly uttered.

"You need to be more specific. Look at menu. Ask me later."

"Umm.... Mara!" Molly called.

"No don't get Mara back over here!" Leia uttered quickly, knowing how much Mara reacted to people being bitchy and she knew it was only a matter of time before Molly started that.

Mara was right back over at the table. "Is there a problem?"

"This man is so rude."

Mara began speaking in Russian to Dimitri. He pointed to Sarah and to the menu as he spoke back in Russian. Leia blinked in surprise. She wasn't aware that Mara could speak more than one language. She refused to study French, Spanish or German at high school. Luke looked on in awe.

"Who is that girl?" asked Anakin.

"That's his girlfriend." Ben said.

"Yeah she is." Luke uttered quietly while he just stared at her.

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