Chapter Four

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[A/N you'll find out why this story was marked with mature content warning when you read this *END A/N]

Mara sighed as she made her way through the student accommodation building. She was on her way to her room. When she opened her room door she found mail inside. She sighed, picking them up and taking them with her to the living area. She sat down and began to read the first letter, which was from her father.

Mara, You've been in detention 12 times since you started that school. Last week was undoubtedly the last straw. Well Mara; I'm afraid I've come to the logical conclusion that you are not responsible enough to be given an allowance every week. You've no sense of responsibility or consequence. You're attitude is unbelievably repulsive and you've done nothing but disrespect me. I'll continue to pay for you attendance to that school in the hopes you might have success at something but I doubt you ever will. You've no drive and no maturity. You're selfish and ungrateful. I hope by cutting you off from your inheritance, your trust fund and your allowance you will learn this. I would have told you this over the phone (before you phone up and call me a coward) but you don't answer the phone - you think you're better. Well you go and be better because I'm tired of dealing with you and your behaviour. I don't think i can even deny it now, you were the reason your mother and I split. When you're ready to apologise, I'll be waiting.

Manwell Jade.

CEO. Jade Enterprises.

Mara sighed and screwed up the paper into a ball before she threw it to the ground. That son of a bitch. Did he not know she needed some form of money? Sure there was food in the lunch/dinner hall and she could always sneak up snacks and things from there but that wouldn't cover everything, she needed household items, like shampoo, conditioner, toilet roll, sanitary towels etc.

She gritted her teeth. She'd be sending her father a message alright.

After getting a shower and changing into clean clothes she dried her hair and brushed it. She sighed. She was going to have to get a job. But first of all, she had one thing to say to her father. She got up and grabbed some paper before getting some pens and sitting down at the table in the kitchen to write.


It was afternoon for Manwell - what with the time difference between London and Montana - and he was spending that afternoon in a conference meeting with several board members.

"I believe that it's a sound investment..." he began, ready to continue his argument. The fax machine in the conference room went off. It was there for emergency document faxes.

"I'll get it." the board member sitting closest to it said. He walked over and took out the page, his face looking in distress - he was trying not to laugh.

"What is it?" asked Manwell.

"Nothing...I think this was a mistake."

Manwell got up and took the paper from the board member's grasp. His eyes widened and he went pale, written in bold letters was a message saying: "GO FUCK YOURSELF IN THE ASS WITH A LIT FIREWORK."

Another one came through just after he'd read that and that same board member picked it up.


"Stop reading them!" shouted Manwell. "Sit down!"

He had really lost his cool. Board members held shares in the business and without them, he'd lose a lot of money. Of course Mara's punishment....

Manwell clenched his fists.

One more came out of the fax machine. This time another board member picked it up. "By the way, that board member's wife you're screwing.... tell her that I love the perfume she sent me for Christmas and I'm sorry this is just me sending messages of my gratefulness. Oh wait no that was the other board member's wife - no wait, mistress. Hope you have a good day, daddy. Love you! xxx"

"This.... I've been victim to a prank. Would you mind forgetting that those..." Manwell began.

"I think you should leave." stated the board member who'd read the latest fax. "We have to discuss your business integrity."

Of course that was just to scare him. They'd all calm down. But still Manwell was being put through the wringer and it was because of his insubordinate, resentful daughter.


Mara skipped happily to class after lunch, taking all the flyers about local jobs off the billboards on the way to eliminate competition. She was actually running fifteen minutes late to Luke's but she wanted to sneak food to the flat from lunch and get it in the refrigerator. She was coping fine without her father's allowance or she would be.

Mara let out a groan when she saw that the vice-principle ,Tarkin, was giving an announcement to the class. Luke eyed her as she walked in.

"I'm sorry is my presence an inconvenience to you Miss Jade?" Tarkin asked.

"No. No. I love turning up to class to see the the walking dead. Oh wait... you're not dead. Just on the road to it. I think you're way past the half way mark though." Mara responded. "So what's up Tarkin?"

"Why are you late for Mr Skywalker's class?"

"Why are you late for your own funeral?" Mara asked.

"You're amusing." Tarkin said sarcastically.

"I know." Mara grinned.

"Now will you answer my question. Why are you late for class?"

Mara could never resist a chance to make things uncomfortable for Tarkin. She hated him. He'd been singling her out for trouble since she got there - although no one could really blame him too much but Mara didn't see it that way - and embarrassment was his for the taking.

"I'd rather not say, you might be uncomfortable with it. Most white males your age are." responded Mara.

"Of course. I always pegged you as a whore."

The whole class let out a chorus of gasps. Luke clenched his fists and stood up - Mara had been baiting him, he could see that, but that didn't mean Tarkin calling Mara a whore in front of the whole class was going to make him any less angry. Mara drew Luke a look and turned back to Tarkin.

"Oh god no. Seriously! No! I took my period and then a major headache on top of that and I realised that my underwear was stained with blood and blah blah... the time I got cleaned up and had new clothes on I was running late and I couldn't find the pain killers, you know how it is....oh wait no you don't. It was just the worst though!"

Tarkin turned red.

"But I don't expect you to understand. I mean you're a guy." Mara began to cry. She could cry on the spot if needed and she'd started that day - the day after valentines day - pissed. Everyone who crossed her was up for destruction.

Tarkin didn't even bother to continue what he was talking about, he just left the room in terror. He was going straight to complain to Leia Organa - the principle. It was when he was half way there that he'd realised, Leia Organa would only get cross with him for embarrassing a female student like that. Mara knew that.

She fought back a smirk and sat down.

"We were talking about y-b=mx-a ." Luke said to the class to remind them. He had to go straight on with teaching. Although he knew when Mara was pissed and he wanted to find out what was wrong. If she hadn't been pissed, she wouldn't have burned Tarkin so badly but Mara was merciless - that meant something was wrong. The only way he'd find out was if he got through the lecture.

When the class was over and everyone was leaving, Luke called Mara but she kept walking. He began to wonder if perhaps it was something he did. His thoughts turned to the previous night and he started to worry he'd made her uncomfortable, that she'd done something she wasn't ready for and now she was acting out to deal with her emotions - because that was Mara, act out to deal with her emotions.

He'd have chased after her, had their not been another class. All he could do was sigh.

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