Unconditional- Merman!Niall (A Nouis story)

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Made by- Niallerslittleclover

Description- "Louis has always been the odd one out, especially when it came to love. Despite all the teasing and jeers, he still believes there's someone out there for him. It's not until one fateful trip to the beach that he finds out just how right he was. The only problem is: How can he love someone who, up until the trip, wasn't supposed to exist?"

Status- Completed with 16 chapters with the second book completed and the third one is on going still.

Important Information- The boys are not in One Direction in this one.

Opinion on the story- I love this story so much. I stayed up till 3am reading it when I first saw it then fell in love with it and I still do late read with this one and the second book.

Characters- Niall and Harry are merman, while Louis, Zayn and Liam are human. Liam and Zayn are a couple in this fanfic so it is also a little bit of Ziam but the main story is about Nouis.

Another chapter!!!! I'm actually very proud of this even though no one is reading it but whatever!! I am going to start very soon writing a fanfic and well hopefully people will read it

QOC- If you have one what is your favorite One Direction song?

A- My favorite song is "Girl Almighty" and I know it's shocking that I can choose OMG I'm a fake fan!!! (lol not)

Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote, comment and tell the author I did a review on there story!!! BYE and have a good day/nigh and like always stay positive 😋😊

279 words

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