Chapter Twenty-Two

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⠀⠀ "Bella? Can you hear me?" As heavy as my eyelids were, my will was stronger, forcing them open. "C-Carlisle?" Speaking was a challenge beyond words' description. "Bella, you blacked out a little bit but now that you're back and your baby is moving, we're ready to bring her out. Are you ready?"
⠀⠀ He hovered over my face a little bit, looking worried. Edward hadn't moved an inch since the last time I saw him. Jacob was perched on a wooden stool beside him, looking hopeful. My attempts to recall the recent events failed. " long have I been out?" "About...fifteen minutes," Carlisle glanced at the clock overhead the door.
⠀⠀ "Ok, I'm ready...y!" Towards the end of my reply, pain shot through my abdomen. To describe it, it was like a lightning bolt zapping every second. Imagine being electrocuted, then multiply by eight. The pain seemed to paralyse my whole lower body from the hip down. "Ow! Get her out! I can't bear it!"
⠀⠀ Jacob was visible in the corner of my left eye, I could tell his face morphed into a look of concern and worry. Edward was the first to speak again. "I love you, Bella. You are going to be fine, we are going to do this together." His words reassured me and for the first time since the labour began, my fears burned away like straw lit with a crackling flame.
⠀⠀ An IV was injected into my hand that was not being held, making me yelp once again. The pale blue bed covers were coated in garnet red substance and the smell was foul- salt and rust. Unlike others, as a human, I could smell blood and being a newborn vampire now, my senses bumped up a notch or ten.
⠀⠀ The day when I almost passed out in biology replayed in moving motion pictures inside my head. The way Mike escorted me to the office, stubbornly allowing Edward to swoop in and complete the task. Funnily enough, that day, he did not allow me to drive home, giving me a lift in his fancy Volvo. If only that day I knew I would be lying here, married, giving birth to his biological daughter.
⠀⠀ "Almost there..." Muttered Carlisle, performing his job. Minutes passed, my lungs becoming tired of all the screaming. Everything seemed to happen so, so fast. It felt as if hundreds of years were being consumed within milliseconds. I felt my eyeballs rolling inwards and my breath began to quicken.
⠀⠀ Carlisle whispered something to Edward and Jacob, an extreme look of sadness clouded his features. Edward glanced at me and gasped. "Bella, things aren't looking good. You're loosing to much blood!" Cried Carlisle. My husband planted a kiss on my cheek and uttered three simple words that meant so much in moderation. "I love you." "Edward, no, this can't be happening!"
⠀⠀ Before anybody could say anything else, absolutely everything went black. Not a funeral kind of black or a black-and-white photograph kind of black. It was a depressing black, emptiness, hollowness.

{Author's note: Hi, guys! I'm sorry this chapter is so short, but quality over quantity, right? I can't believe Bella died in this chapter! How are Edward and the rest of the Cullens going to cope without her? What's going to happen to Renesmee? Find out in next week's chapter of Until Dawn! Stay tuned, and please vote/comment! Thanks, guys! Happy Saturday!}

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