Chapter Eighteen

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⠀⠀ The rest of the afternoon was filled with positive chatter about the arrival of Venus Rose Cullen. "Her eyes are just astonishing! We should take some photos before later today, when she's fed for the first time. Then, they'll turn gold," rambled on Esme. Alice and Jasper spent their time with the parents of the newborn baby, fantasising over her features and trying to make her laugh or smile.
⠀⠀ Around twenty minutes past four, Alice made an appearance in the living room, her bubbly personality shining through as usual. The two of us decided to play a game of Monopoly to relax a little bit from the already eventful day. Alice rolled a six, landing herself on one of my properties. "How much do I owe you?" She huffed. "Twenty!" I glorified, performing my victory dance. Alice chuckled and tossed me a piece of Monopoly money.
⠀⠀ Just as my hand stretched out across the board to retrieve my money and the dice, the small framed, dark haired girl let out a deep breath. It was obvious something was wrong with Alice. "Alice, what's wrong?" "My stomach hurts and I think the baby is moving. C-could you call Carlisle and Jasper, please?" By now, my sister-in-law was hyperventilating. "Absolutely!" I struggled to climb out of the arm chair due to my bump, but made it up anyway.
⠀⠀ Carlisle was upstairs in his study, which was too far for me to go. Instead, I fetched Jasper, who had been casually reading the book War and Peace on a beanbag in the hallway. "Jasper!" My lungs gasped for air. "We need to get Carlisle! Alice is going into labour!" He shot up to his feet in no time at all. "I'll go get Carlisle! Bella, can you do something for me?" Jasper responded with great urgency, "Of course!" "Try get Alice to the end of the stairs, then either myself or Carlisle can help her up." With a nod of my head, my feet shuffled me back to the living room.
⠀⠀ Alice was now doubled-over in pain, gasping for air and cringing her face. Her water had just broken. "Alice? Alice, listen to me. We need to get you to the stairs, then Carlisle is going to take you up and get you all sorted out!" She nodded her head and with wobbly knees, stood up, with my help, of course.
⠀⠀ The two of us made our way to the stairs together where Carlisle awaited. He scooped Alice up, having her lean on his shoulder for support and walked her up the wooden stairs. By the time all of us had made our way up to the office, everybody in the house was aware of the ongoing events. Just like we had for the birth of my new niece, everyone awaited in the room beside the office. The only vampires that went into the office were Alice, Jasper, Carlisle and Esme. Alice desired Esme's presence.
⠀⠀ "Good luck, Alice!" I hollered as she entered through the doorway. Rosalie, Emmett, Edward and I awaited patiently in the room that belonged to the soon-to-be parents, Venus was cradled in her father's arms. "I hope everything goes ok," a frown crawled onto my lips at the ear-piercing shrieks of Alice in labour. Edward looped his fingers into mind and blessed me with a light kiss on the cheek.
⠀⠀ My heart ached while my ears complained as every few seconds, there was a blood curdling scream. The pain she must have been in sounded unbearable. I cringed in displeasure. "It's painful," stated Rosalie, who was lying down on the queen sized bed, staring up to the ceiling, looking deep in thought. "It feels as if a knife is being ripped through your body from top to bottom. Your head burns like fire, and to be honest, it's worse than the change from human to vampire."
⠀⠀ "Really?!" "Really, Bella." Rosalie sat up and leaned against the head of the bed, her golden locks dangling on her shoulders. "The pain is so bad, but it's so worth it in the end..." Her face morphed into a small smile as her eyes shifted over to her husband who held her baby on the opposite side of the room. "No matter how much it hurts, the outcome is spectacular." Another heart wrenching scream erupted from the office as her sentence finished. Surprisingly, Venus slept through the racket.
⠀⠀ Many more wordless minutes later, the very last whimper from Alice sounded off. A small cry was barely audible, though all of us could pick it up with our sensitive hearing. "It sounds like Alice's baby has been born," sang Edward. Esme popped her head round the door only to grin, "Looks like we've got another new addition to our family."

{Author's note: OMG! Alice's baby was born! Do you think it'll be a boy or a girl? Any name suggestions? I hope you enjoy this chapter, happy Saturday!}

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