V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 11

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"Yeah, sure, why not?" I shrugged, because it seems as if he's asking permission from me- which is weird because they really don't have to do that. I'm not a god.

Within seconds, Tristan already ran across the cafeteria, all eyes on him as he stops abruptly infront of their table.

Damien nudges my arm playfully, whispering,

"I bet you met Ashton because of the brunette."

"Well, yeah.. but it doesn't mean anything." I shrugged.

"Aiden.. you're gradually changing." Damien suddenly says, which made me blink.

"What do you mean?" I hissed at him.

"I don't know, Aiden. It seems weird to me that you actually let Tristan go off to their table. Is this because of Gabriella?" Damien asked, although keeping his voice low to prevent the other Malibu Barbies and the jocks to hear.

"No, Damien." I say firmly. "Gabriella is out of this. Ashton's a really cool guy. That's all I'm saying."

"If you say so, then." Damien chuckled making me glare at him.

"I'm serious, Damien." I sighed, knowing he doesn't believe me.

"I didn't say anything, did I?" He laughed, slouching. "Why the long face anyway?"

"I don't know," I replied honestly. "I just.. feel strange. I don't feel like.. myself."

And to be honest, I felt weird.

Somehow, Gabriella's words from last night took a toll on me, and I couldn't even sleep thinking what she meant.

Defense mechanism? For what?

Problems? About?

For the first time in my life, I actually had doubts on who I really am.

♡ Gabby ♡

It was actually nice of Ashton to wait for me outside my classroom. We talked about a lot of things on our way to my locker- petty things, jokes, light conversations.

Of course, the sort of evil-like stares are still there but I don't mind anymore. Because looks couldn't kill, sadly.

Lianna and Seth met up with us halfway- the teasing began and I blushed countless times but ignored it. The four of us then went to the cafeteria together.

I'm glad Seth and Lianna are opening up to Ashton. Of course, I want him to feel at home.

When we reached the cafeteria, I couldn't help but glance at the popular table where Aiden sat.

Today- he looks strange- devastated, hopeless, everything negative put together. I hope it's not because of me and what I said last night.

I decided to just ignore it- I might be overthinking too much, and the four of us went in line, ordering our lunch and then proceeding to one of the empty tables.

It is evident that people are whispering and staring at our table because of Ashton but the thing is- I don't care, Lianna doesn't care, Seth doesn't care and I hope, Ashton doesn't too. What matters is we're friends and we're together, having fun.

"Heads up!" I hear a voice echoing in the cafeteria, then my eyes widened as I saw Tristan, one of the popular jocks- according to Lianna, is making his way to our table.

Of course, it attracted attention. Like- who are we to be visited by one of the popular crowds, right?

Is this Aiden's joke or something? I hope not. Or else, I'll have to kill him myself.

V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever BeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ