He attacked Kevin making him yelp, and then he went after Damien. They went back in forth growling and pushing, and slamming. Kelsey looked at me her eyes full of hunger; she leapt forward and had completely ripped my arm off. I was screaming in agony, the blood gushed out now and I could barely see anything it all slowly faded away. The next thing I knew I was awake. I looked around; the early light of day arrived and poked through the trees. My hair was a tangled matted mess; I had leaves and sticks tangled in it. My body was completely dry and warm, I looked over and there Tyler lay completely naked.

At first I was shocked, and then I began to laugh. I was not normally the one who was active in any sexual way, and now I was stuck in the forest with a completely naked guy. I took my jacket off and covered him up so he would have some decency of a human being. As soon as he felt me touch him he stirred.

“Good morning” I said in a scratchy voice, my throat was sore from his incredible speed and the air that was inhaled.

“Good morning” He said scratching his head.

I giggled at him. “So do you always sleep this nude?”

He felt his body quickly realizing he was naked. “No not normally, I usually have extra clothes I can change into”

  “It’s okay just that is one hell of a view first thing in the early hours of morning” I laughed.

He got up and quickly tied the jacket around the front of him. To my surprise he still looked as sexy as ever. I walked behind him and began to laugh; he had leaves and sticks stuck to his ass. I was in no way shape or form touching it. I took off the first t-shirt I had on it had been long sleeved; he took it and wrapped it around behind him. I laughed watching him struggle so much after waking up. He pulled me in close wrapping his arms around me; I could feel the warmth of his skin through my shirt. He kissed my forehead and took off walking.

  “Do you even know where we are going?”

He looked back at me. “You don’t pay much attention, I already told you before I hear all and know all, my kind has like a built in map in our heads”

 “Oh yeah, I forgot sorry” I said walking and watching where I was stepping.

“We need to get back to the car and start back to the hotel, get some clothes and then head back to town”

   “Are you sure we would be safe there?” I asked, I was excited at the thought of finally going home, being back at school.

“Not exactly sure, but we are running out of time we need to pick up the pace”

He grabbed me in his arms and began walking again, I felt like a clumsy little girl. I looked up to the sky and all I could see was the greenery of the trees overhead, all I could hear was the crunch of our footsteps and the early sounds of the birds. I was content I felt at ease, I didn’t feel like we were running for our lives anymore. Tyler looked down at me; he had been ease dropping on my thoughts. I just frowned at him. This huge smile spread across his face, I didn’t feel like fighting today so I just dropped it.

“So you enjoy the sound of nature in the mornings?”

I leaned my head back. “Yes I do, it reminds me when I would go camping with my family as a little girl”

“That would make me feel happy too, I suppose” said Tyler.

  “We should be to the car in another fifteen minutes don’t worry” He smiled at me.


He was right; we had finally made it back to the car. I ran to it and got in, I wanted to turn the heat on full blast and just get back to the hotel to bathe. He got in and started it up; he flipped the heat on before I even got the chance to. I moved my gaze to the radio and turned on something soft and slow, I wanted to relax as much as I could. My body was still in extreme pain from last night’s events. I was starting to wish everything had been a complete dream. The car ride to the hotel was the most awkward thing ever, I just wanted to be back in a place were I could call it home.

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