Welcome to the Murder Capitol of the World!

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(outfit for chapter)

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(outfit for chapter)

"Keep going." Sammy says, prompting Mom to change the radio station, even as she remarks, "Hey, I liked that song."

"Keep going, Mom." Michael repeats, causing me to giggle quietly.

"How about this?" Mom asks, stopping on a weird radio show. She switches immediately though when there's no response from the three of us. I snuggle deeper into Mike's side as he says, "Pretty cool, Mom. You wanna switch the band?"

When the radio land on yet another bad station, Sammy sarcastically comments, "This jams."

"Quite right." Michael agrees.

"Best song ever." I quip.

Mom laughs. "Gosh, you guys are rough."

We nix a few more stations before pausing on one that Mom begins to jam out to.

"Keep going." The three of us say in unison.

"Wait." Mom exclaims. "That's from my era!"

She then begins to sing the song terribly off key. When the three of us don't join in, she changes it again, this time landing on an agreeable station.

"What's that smell?" Sammy exclaims.

Mom takes a whiff. "That's the ocean air."

As she says something about liking Santa Carla, Mike nudges me and motions to the 'Welcome to Santa Carla' sign that we just passed. I look at it then turn back to him wide-eyed when I read 'Murder Capital of the World'.

'Seriously?' I mouth to him. His only response is to shrug.

I shudder and Mike puts his arm around me.

When we stop so Sammy can take his dog, Nanook, to go potty, Mike also gets out to grab his bike out of the trailer. I stand beside the trailer and listen as he asks a man if there are any jobs around here and sigh when the man says nothing legal.

Mike and I complete the rest of the journey to Grandpa's house on his bike. I hold on extra tight when he decides to speed then slap his arm when he laughs.

We pull up to Grandpa's house, and I'm immediately on edge.

"This place is creepy." I murmur to Mike.

He grins and slings an arm over my shoulder as we follow Mom up to the porch, where she kneels next to the body of an old man.

"Dad?" She says, shaking the man.

"Looks like he's dead." Mike comments.

Mom replies with, "No, he's just a deep sleeper."

I elbow Sammy when he says, "If he's dead, can we go back to Phoenix?"

Mom gives him a look right before her dad pops his head up. "Playin' dead and from what I heard, doin' a damn good job of it, too."

Mom rolls her eyes and exclaims, "Dad!"

Us three kids share a look as the two hug.

A few moments later, Mike, Sam and I are start taking stuff inside. As we walk through, we gaze at our new surroundings.

"This is a pretty cool place." Micheal comments, carrying his weight set, some clothes on hangers, and a backpack.

"Yeah. For The Texas Chainsaw Massacre." Sam agrees sarcastically as he balances Nanook's food bowl and some hand towels on his head, along with carrying some sheets in his other hand.

"Come on, Sammy, give Mom a break." I say. I, by far, had the lightest load. All I was carrying was my sacred backpack that had all of my sketch stuff in it. This was because a) I didn't let anyone touch my backpack and b) the boys wouldn't let me carry anything.

"What's wrong with this picture?" Sam exclaims as he sets down his load.

I look around. "Personally, I don't see anything wrong."

"There's no TV." He exclaims. "Have you seen a TV? I haven't seen a TV."

I look to Mike and roll my eyes when Sammy says, "You know what it means when there's no TV? No MTV."

"Sammy, we're flat broke." Mike tells the frantic looking boy as he pumps his weight bar a few times.

"Not to mention that you don't need TV when you have nature at your back door." I input, only to get an unimpressed look from the TV-addicted teen.

Next, we go upstairs to decide the rooms. Mikey had already claimed the biggest for some unknown reason and I didn't need a lot of space so I set my stuff in the smallest room, leaving medium sized rooms for both Mom and Sam. I hear a commotion so I look out my new door only to see Sam and Mike race by. I open my window then make my way down the steps. When I get downstairs, Grandpa is apparently giving out rules.

"Second shelf is mine." He says, referring to the fridge, as I stop next to Mikey. "That's where I keep my root beers and my double thick Oreo cookies. Nobody touches the second shelf but me." He closes the fridge and begins to walk away.

Mikey taps Sam and I's shoulders and points to a plant outside the window then mimes smoking it. I shake my head as they laugh.

As we catch up to Grandpa, Mike says, "Hey Grandpa, is it true that Santa Carla's the murder capital of the world?", as he grabs our shoulders.

"There are some bad elements around here." Grandpa responds.

"Wait a second, let me get this straight." Sam says. "Are you telling me that we moved to the murder capital of the world? Are you serious, Grandpa?"

"Let me put it this way." Grandpa says. "If all the corpses buried around here were to stand up all at once, we'd have one hell of a population problem."

"Great, Dad." Mom sighs as Sammy, Mikey and I share another one of the 'what the hell have we gotten ourselves into' looks.

Then, Grandpa continues on with his stupid rules. I roll my eyes and walk away, going to help Mom.

"Don't worry about what Dad said. He's a bit eccentric."

I grin. "Guess we know where you got it from, huh?"She laughs and places a hat on my head.


A/N: What's up, guys? So thank you for taking time to read this story. It means the world to me. Also, to anyone who cares about that sort of thing, all of Kiri's outfits are on polyvore. My username is truwhitewolf. I will also try to put a link on my profile. :D Thanks again!

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