Not Outgoing Much...

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I was about to go to the party. But, I didn't know! I wasn't sure! I never really went to a party by myself. I know it may sound weird but we'll I always went with my families. I called Da Hye quickly and said to her " I can't come because well...I have other plans". Well of course I never had plans cause I wasn't as outgoing as my friends but well whatever.So I did my homework. After being done with my homework, I went to watch some tv shows. Then...
I said "Who is it" and he replied "Namjoon". I freezes for a moment. Namjoon??????Namjoon!?!!?!!?
The Namjoon in my class!?!?!? I couldn't BELIVE it. I opened the door cause there was no way I could ignore him.
He says " You dropped this Hye Ri". I looked at it. It was my paper of secret stuff! I hope he didn't read it. I grabbed the paper while blushing and he left. I was behind the door and breathing in and out..."Phew....hope he didn't read it"I said to myself all frightened.It was Saturday and me,Da Hye, and Jihoon went out for a drink. Da Hye asked me " Since when did you have plans". I replied "I had to do homework". "You call that plans" Da Hye said surprisingly. "Yea" I said pretending to be confused.Of course I was just lying cause homework was my excuse. Jihoon like always pops out of nowhere. Hello!!! "OH MY GOSH" me and Da Hye said at the same time. "Hehe" Jihoon said. "You really need to cut that out Jihoon it's annoying now and it ways startles me!" Day Hye says. "Yea, I agree with Da Hye" I said."Hmmm maybe I will but". " Da Hye you have to go on a date with me if you want me to stop startling you". " I think he's crazy, can you whack him Hye Ri?" Da Hye said. "Sure I would" and well hahaha guess I did.....

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