Chapter 11

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Math was finally over and it was like all the other classes, boring and educational. Luckily, lunch was next.

"Todd!!" I shouted down the hallway after seeing him walk out of the classroom.

"What?" Todd replied next to me.

"Wha- whe- how?" I stuttered out, staring at him with wide eyes.

"I was standing here the whole time. What's the big problem?"

"How can I not notice you standing there? I swear I saw you walking down this hallway," I said, shaking my head with disbelief.

"So anyway, you need help with the letter?" Todd asked. He started to walk  to the cafeteria so I followed him.

"Obviously. What would you do if you got a Secret Admirer letter?" I asked pushing open the cafeteria door.

"I would just ignore it. If the admirer really wants me to know who they are, they would just tell me face to face," Todd replied pushing back his glasses.

"What if they don't want to tell me face to face?"

"I don't know. Send you more notes? Give you clues?"

"Thanks Todd. You're a good friend," I got my lunch and went to the table where I gave my number to Todd with him close behind.

"Can I see the note?" Todd asked sitting down across from me.

I took out the crumpled piece of paper from the back pocket of my blue denim jeans. "Here."

"You should know this guy is really cheesy," he said while reading the note, laughing.

"Oh, shut up," I reached over and playfully punched him on the shoulder.

"I'm serious!" he started laughing more and almost fell out of his chair. It was a sight to see. "This guy says 'I know you are The One'. How cheesy is that!"

"Stop laughing!" By now I couldn't help but laugh with him. We were laughing so much everyone looked at us like we had problems.

"Ok, ok. Calm down," Todd suddenly said trying not to laugh himself. Then he looked over at the popular table, pointing. "Sabrina has been eyeing us the whole time with a look on her face."

I looked at where he was pointing. It was true, she was looking at us with her eyes wide and her forkful of salad midair. "So? Since when did you care what Sabrina thinks?"

"I don't care about what she thinks, it's just her facial expression is ruining my appetite. I can't eat my turkey sandwich with - that," Todd answered, moved his hands around for emphasis.

"Yeah, right. It's bad, but not bad enough to ruin your appetite. If you want, you can switch seats with me," I got up, ready to move.

"Thanks," Todd picked up his tray and and slid it to where mine was just a minute ago.

I sat down, made myself comfortable, and was ready to take my first bite out of my ham and cheese sandwich. I can't believe I still haven't bitten my lunch and half of the time past already. Oh well. I mindlessly glanced over at where Sabrina was sitting. I dropped my lunch on the tray below and seriously lost my appetite. Sabrina still had that look on her face after 5 minutes. By now her friend, Charlotte, was shaking her arm and asking her if she was okay.

"Lost your appetite? Todd asked like he knew this was going to happen.

"Yes, you were right. Her face is absolutely disturbing," I picked up my sandwich and tried to eat it without looking at Sabrina.

"This sandwich is delicious!" Todd exclaimed with his mouth full of bread.

"I thought you lost your appetite," I said eyebrows raised with a smirk.

"I did but now I have a good view to eat with," he replied grinning.

I knew all I had behind me was a big window that its only view was a medium sized building and a tall tree. I looked behind me anyways just in case some super pretty woman walked by. But all I could see was a poodle peeing on the tree behind me. I turned around quickly after seeing that, disgusted. "That's what you call a good view?! A dog peeing?!"

"What?! No!" he looked passed my head and noticed the dog. "Are you mad? Why would that be the good view I talking about?"

"All that could be possibly be the good view is the building, the tree, and -" I stopped short after realizing what he could of meant. Me. I felt my cheeks getting hotter at the thought. I looked down at my sandwich, my hair covering my cheeks. I didn't want Todd to see me blush.

"Finally you get it Jennifer!" Todd sighed. "But in case you're wondering, I'm not your secret admirer."

I looked at him feeling the blush fade away. "You're not my secret admirer?!" I exclaimed, shocked.

"Nope," Todd responded calmly.

"And you like me?"

Then he started laughing. Again. I was so confused. What was so funny?

"I got you didn't I?" Todd was laughing so much he could barley say that.

"What?" I asked still confused.

Todd calmed himself down and then said, "I was just messing with you. You should have seen the look on your face! I like you as a friend, don't worry. And you're pretty, stop thinking you're not."

I took in every word he said and completed the puzzle. He fooled me. Then I did the only thing that came to mind. I laughed. Hysterically.


Yes, I realized I havn't uploaded in a long time. Yes, I'm very sorry. The thing is, I typed this chapter up on my iPad, then I lost it and now I found it.... So yes, I lose stuff really easily. Thanks to all the fans that stuck with me through these past months. Thank you so much!!!!

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