OTP #1

43 3 7

-innocent tumblr blogger was at starbucks and lost their flower crown. A stranger finds it and returns it to them

-person a finds person b on tumblr. After scrolling through B's blog they seem like a cool person who they want to be friends with. Naturally, Person A deletes all of the p[]rn. Person B private messages them asking where the hot stuff went

-person a comes across person B's wattpad. Person A is shy and just follows them and votes for them. Eventually, B messages A and A gets really flustered and how they react is up to you

-person a having sex with person b and everything they learned is from porn and person b is really confused because theyve had real sex and its nothing like porn

-person a and person b watching porn for the first time and B is trying to get into it and person A is making jokes like "wow she didn't close the god damn door, #r00d

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