Chapter 15

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The last thing Niall remembered was falling asleep. He forced his eyelids to flutter open, blinking at the sudden brightness. Beginning to look around quietly. Harry's room was really pretty in the morning time.

"oh, you're awake." Harry commented which made Niall look over to see his boyfriend sitting next to a rather large window. He must have been there for a while because he seemed wide awake.

Niall slid his hands underneath his body, using most of his strength to push himself up into a sitting position, positioning himself towards Harry.

He forced himself off the bed and walked over to his boyfriend, taking a seat next to him. He noticed how perfectly the sunlight blared onto Harry who didn't seem to mind.

"he's been out there all morning." The curly haired lad spoke softly

A confused look played on Niall's face and he turned his head to look out of the window, what he saw didn't scare him even though he felt like it should've.

The black wolf.

"Zayn." Niall breathed, remembering the wolf's name from the previous night.

Harry replied with a simple nod. "We've just been staring at each other since dawn. He doesn't like me."

"well he's going to have to get used to you." Niall said, earning a cheeky grin from Harry.

"come here you little leprechaun," Harry chuckled, holding his arms out for a hug.

Niall accepted the invitation, crawling into not only his boyfriend's arms but also his lap. He was facing Harry, noticing how warm and sweet his face looked.

Harry began to lean toward him and started kissing his neck and ears. Which escalated to his cheek and finally lips. The kiss was more than Niall could ever expect. It might have even been perfect.

He didn't know how but whenever the kiss was over him and Harry were on the floor. Niall's head resting softly against Harry's chest.

"Harry?" Niall asked.

Harry hummed. "Hmm?"

"I want to know more about you."

"like what?"

"Well, your insecurities, your fears. More about Harry not the fact that you're a vampire."

The room got silent for a good five minutes and Harry finally opened his mouth. "I'm insecure about... the way I look. The way I act. Being compared to someone better than me. My fears? Shit. That's a question."

Niall lifted his head up so that he could see Harry. He was really handsome.

"I'm afraid of losing you. I haven't felt this way in a long time and to be honest, it scares me." Harry closed his eyes

Niall slowly moved his hand up into Harry's hair, running his fingers through his curls. "It's okay Hazza, you'll never lose me. I promise."

Harry smiled, his worried expression softening. He was happy and that was all that mattered to Niall.

They laid there on the floor together for at least an hour, listening to the sound of early morning birds and the light pitter patter of rain. Niall was lost in an ocean of thoughts. He loved Harry. He loved Harry so very much.

It had occurred to him that Harry was his first love ever since he lived in Ireland. He felt sad, scared, and curious all at the same time and he liked it.

What finally broke the silence was a light knock on Harry's door. As soon as Harry got up Niall missed the silence, it was a good kind of silence.

When Harry opened the door a black haired boy walked right in rather rudely. He looked about Niall's age and he was handsome. Very handsome. But Niall felt guilty for thinking that and mentally scolded himself.

Harry seemed angry. "Who let you in?"

"Your mother. She understands who I am." The black haired boy walked over to Niall and looked at him. "I'm your guardian, my name is Zayn."

So this was Zayn. Niall felt an awkward tension in the room as he spoke. "hi Zayn, nice to meet you."

Before Zayn could speak again, Liam stormed into the room. His face was as red as a tomato. He stopped right in front of Zayn.

"who the fuck do you think you are? You knew I was trying to be Niall's guardian. But no, you just had to snatch him before I could."

Zayn's eyes narrowed. "Well too fucking bad Liam, I was assigned to him and you're going to have to accept that."

Liam growled and turned to Harry "when are we leaving?"

"Soon. Probably around lunch so maybe an hour from now." Harry said, checking his phone.

"Good. He's not coming." Liam pointed at Zayn

Harry just shrugged "you two work that out, the more the merrier. Eleanor going?"

Liam nodded in response.

"Okay, come on Nialler. Let's let the puppies fight in private." Harry held his hand out for Niall who gladly took it, letting the curly haired boy lead him downstairs.

They got down to the kitchen. Louis was back but Niall couldn't help but to notice that something was wrong. He was hurt.

Louis sat at the kitchen table, Eleanor was in the chair beside him. She was holding his hand which was weird.

Harry pulled Niall along with him to the table. "what happened Louis?" He looked genuinely concerned, intertwining his and Niall's fingers.

"Oh nothing. A pack of werewolves just attacked me, that's all." The feathery haired boy snapped, snatching his hand away from Eleanor once he realized they were still holding hands.

Niall noticed a hurt look playing on Eleanor's face which confused him. Hadn't they fought the last time they were near each other?

Harry patted his brother's shoulder. "You'll be okay though right?"

Louis nodded.

Harry nodded too then turned, walking into the living room. Fortunately, no one was there.

Niall allowed Harry to pick him up and lay him on the couch. He felt his hands against his thigh and shivered, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's neck and pulling him down to sit beside him.

Harry grinned, laying his head against Niall's shoulder. "I love you Niall"

"I love you too, Harry." Niall murmured and closed his eyes. He began to think and it was starting to occur to him how badly he was going to miss his mother.

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