why attr2 ( a trip to regret ) hasnt been updated as much

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dear readers,

hi again. it's me, your dear friend, Liz. so everyone has been bugging me to update my book a trip to regret. to be honest with you, ive been trying. ive been writing every day . i have been busting my ass to write something good for you guys every day. it's.. just.. ive also been really busy with other responsibilities . i just got out of a relationship and its been pretty rough for me these last few weeks. Ive also been really really busy with schoolwork as well. i just had my finals and everything has to be perfect for me to move onto senior year. everything has to be put into its place and all my college decisions are coming into play.

I, just want to apologise. I haven't been able to update for you and I'm realllllly sorry. you guys are my all. when I got 100 reads on attr1 i was so happy ! ive always loved writing and after i got into the television show, I though there was a great opportunity of writing fanfics. true story, when I was in 5th grade, me and my best friend (at the time) wrote a 300 page long one direction fanfic and it won an award and is also exclusively in our middle school library. i have been so blessed with my writing talents and i just am so sorry for not being able to share them with you these past few weeks. im currently battling through friendships as well. my two best friends from kindergarten are moving all the way across the state and my other bestfriend from middle school is moving to Colorado and I'm trying to spend as much time as I can until they leave me for their new lives.

i was recently diagnosed with depression/anxiety/stress and im on medication. ive been battling depression for the past seven years of my life but now it's just gotten bad. i dread going to school everyday. i go in hopes of happiness and less stress but end up with the opposite, being that I'm in all AP classes and taking a few college courses as a Junior in high school.

just, please, don't give up on me. ive been trying my hardest to be able to post thing for you guys on here but sometimes it just doesn't work the way I want it to. once again, im sorry for the late late late updates and postponed notifications. I'm not trying to stop writing it's just that I'm so overwhelmed with my other responsibilities that I can't 110% fulfil this one.

I'll try writing some later and adding on some other stuff for you today and later on in the week.

i love you all with all of my heart and pray that you don't leave our little family of readers.

all the love as always,
your friend,
x :))

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