Chapter 16.

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Authors Note
Today's been a rough one. I had band, homework, and I coughed ALOT. But my Padre came through and got me Bahama Bucks

Anyways enjoy🌸

Maya's POV

"I'm Lucas Friar, from Austin, Texas,"
"Okay Lucas. Please take a seat behind her." Mr. Matthews said pointing at me.
"Hi," he said.
I ignored him and raised my hand.
"May I be excused?"
I got up and just before I walked out the door ,"May I be excused as well? I left my book in my locker,"
"Sure Mr. Friar,"

I walked out of the classroom and made my way to my locker. I unlocked it and grabbed my phone. I closed my locker and sat on a bench nearby.
"Hey Hart,"
Lucas walked to my right and I scooted over. He tried again but to the left this time. I scooted again. He stopped trying and just sat on the stairs across from me.
I looked up at him.
"Why are you here?"
"My dad's job got relocated to NYC, so I kinda live here now,"
"But why did you enroll into this school? There are PLENTY of schools here locally that can tolerate a Texas pretty boy,"
"You know you can't be mad at me forever,"
"Yes I can,"
I put my phone back into my pocket and started to walk back up the stairs toward Mr. Matthews' classroom. Lucas grabbed my wrist.
"It's not my fault," he said sternly.
I ignored him and shook my wrist out of his grip and I ran up the stairs.


Lucas' POV

Maya being mad at me drives me insane. I couldn't handle it, so I called the police forensic department that examined Riley's hotel room and corpse.
"Maui Police Department,"
"Hello this is Lucas Friar,"
"Hello Mr. Friar. What is your complaint or concern?"
"Um, my girlfriend, Riley Matthews, was observed by your forensics department after she killed herself. Do you, by any chance, have a suicide note or something like that?"
"Hold on just one second sir,"
**10 minutes later**
"Sir, are you there?"
"Yes, officer I'm here,"
"We found a note lodged in her esophagus. We can retype it and take a picture of it for you and send it to any family,"
"That would be great,"
"Okay, what is the family member's email?"
"It is uh,,"
"Thank you. We'll send the email shortly,"
"Thank you sir. Have a great rest of the day sir,"
I hung up the phone and walked back to the classroom.
I entered the room when some short ginger in a turtleneck was ranting about Belgium.
"Thank you, I am Farkle!" He yelled.
I could tell that he and Maya were friends because for the rest of the class they would make jokes at each other and friendly things like that.
The bell rang.
"Class dismissed,"
"Sir," I said to Mr. Matthews.
"Yes, mr.... Friar?"
"Yes sir,"
"May I see your email?"
He gave me a weird and confused look.
"Sir, I was your daughter's boyfriend when we were away in Hawaii,"
"Oh well what does that have to do with my email,"
"I called the police department that examined Riley and they emailed me a picture and typed version of a note, I assume, she wrote that was lodged in her throat. Please sir,"
"Okay Mr. Friar, but that's it,"
I walked over to his computer and went to the email. I sent the email to myself and logged off the computer.
"Thank you,"
"Anything for my daughter,"
I smiled and walked off.

What's on the note? Did Riley blame Lucas or herself?

Next chap'll be in soon
xoxo love y'all

A Trip to Remember | lucaya Where stories live. Discover now