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After almost two days Jason got word of two things. Nico had returned and Travis was back. Without hesitation he went to Nico's cabin. It was still to big for one person Jason often thought.

"Nico!" He called out.

"Jason, I was just about to come and find you" Nico said, appearing in front of him with shadow travel.

"What happened?" Jason demanded.

"The Roman's didn't do it. Their coins have been stolen. They were framed, I think-"

"Wait, stolen?" Jason demanded.

"Yeah...Jason, you can't think-" Nico said eyes wide.

"I don't know but I know a certain demi-god good at stealing" Jason growled, heading towards the Hermes camp.

"All of his children are good at stealing, Jason, think this through!" Nico pleaded.

He walked towards the Hermes Cabin. Travis was there, looking calm, talking to Conner, though his fingers were fidgiting quite a lot.

"Travis, can I talk to you?" Jason demanded. 

He shrugged, not looking nervous at all and far less hostile than Conner had been, who was glaring at them.

"Sure" He said.

They walked towards the big house in silence, no one was in which was good.

What they didn't see was Conner.

Following them...

(Sorry this is so short, some of my chapters will be around 600 words, others will be very short depending on when I'm doing them x)

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