Chapter 22: It Was Just a Nightmare

Start from the beginning

Kuai: Mother, father, get out of the Fire Nation. Now.

Zuko: You're banished. It's as simple as that.

Lee guided them out, kicking the guards at the door to wake them up since they hadn't even noticed Kuai's attempt at an attack. Through the muffled objections of Kuai's parents, Lee told the guards to send them on their way back to the Northern Water Tribe.

Lee, Kuai, and Zuko headed back to the palace, being a bit tense from the situation. Lee caught up with TuoYan and Kuai and Zuko went to Zuko's office to talk about things.

Kuai: Why didn't you tell me about this?

Zuko: Because I knew you would freak out this way.

Kuai: Ugh, sorry cutie.

Zuko: I think TuoYan might stay the night, since she hasn't left yet *laughs*

Kuai: Yeah, maybe. We could have the servants set up a room for her and Lee, and they could have a miniature weekend vacation here.

Zuko: That would be nice. Lee needs it after having to deal with me and Izumi all the time.

Kuai: That's very true.

Zuko: And TuoYan needs a break from all the stress you put her under.

Kuai: Hey!

Zuko: What? You know I'm right.

Kuai: Ugh. *yells* Servants!

Two servants came running to her call.

Servant1: Yes, my lady? *bows with other servant*

Kuai: Can you prepare a guest room for Lee and his wife, please?

Servant1: Yes, my lady.

Kuai: Oh, and can you tell the chefs that 2 more people will be accompanying us for dinner and breakfast?

Servant2: Yes, my lady.

The servants went to do what they were told. Kuai left Zuko to do some more work in his office and walked through the garden with TuoYan. Kuai, Zuko, Lee, TuoYan, and Izumi ate dinner together before going to bed.

Kuai: Goodnight, cutie. *kisses Zuko*

Zuko: Goodnight, lovely.

They went to sleep.

Kuai was pulled out of her bed by an assassin. Zuko woke to her screams and he burned an entire wing of the palace trying to kill the assassin. The murderer was a waterbender who collected ice into shards and shot them at Kuai. Zuko caught up to them and killed the assassin, who couldn't be identified do to burns. In her dying breaths, as she bled to death, she spoke

Kuai: I love you, cutie.

Zuko: No,no,no...stop this!

Kuai: Bye Zuko

And she died in his arms.

Zuko: I love you, too.

He gripped her tighter as he knelt and wept. Her face went pale and her scars seemed to get darker. His guards took her body from him, to preserve it before the cremation that was to be had. Zuko wiped his tears from his face and walked down the halls to his bedroom. He felt a tugging on his robe and he turned to see a tired Izumi behind him.

Izumi: Daddy, why were you crying?

Zuko: It's nothing, go back to sleep.

Izumi: I can't go to sleep without bedtime kisses from you and mommy.

Zuko: Mommy's not here.

Izumi: Where is she?

Zuko: With the guards.

Izumi: Why do I smell smoke?

Zuko: Someone attacked us. I attacked them back.

Izumi: They hurt mommy, didn't they?

Zuko began to weep again, unable to hide his pain from his daughter. She began to cry as well, realizing what happened.

Izumi: Why would someone do this, daddy? Why?

Zuko: I don't know, I really don't know.

Izumi: *mutters to self* Bye bye mommy.

Zuko knelt and hugged Izumi as they both wept loudly and painfully. He had lost his beautiful and caring wife, and who would've been his strong and loyal son.

Zuko woke up early the next morning, screaming and crying. He looked beside him, seeing the silouette of his wife, who had just woken up to his screams. He hugged her tightly, almost too tight.

Kuai: What's wrong, cutie?

Zuko: Nothing *sobs* It was just a nightmare.


Hey lovelies, sorry for the insane wait.

I've been having crazy writer's block, specifically for this story. And as the story comes to an end, I'm just not as excited to write it anymore.

There should only be 1 or 2 more chapters in this book, so stay tuned to whenever my block let's me get another part out.

I love y'all, keep reading and writing!

Have a nice day for me, will ya?


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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2016 ⏰

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