Chapter 7: W-wait...What?

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As the platypus-bear came nearer to them Zuko made his fire get larger. Kuai had waterbent some water from the bucket and was using a form that she made up herself. The platypus-bear roared and swatted at Kuai, who dodged and attempted to attack it back but it was pretty much useless. It defended itself from the water. Zuko attacked and it cowered away and let out some sort of scared shriek. 

Kuai: Zuko stop!

Zuko: What? It was attacking us!

Kuai: But didn't you see how scared of your fire it was?

Zuko: Oh, um, yeah.

Kuai walked up to the still hiding platypus-bear and went to pet it, but it flinched. She tried again and it let her. She found a collar on it.

Kuai: Zuko, it's an escaped circus animal.

Zuko: That's why it's scared, then.

Kuai: We should take off it's collar and feed it. Maybe after that it won't bother us.

Zuko: What food do we have for it, though?

Kuai: That tree up there has some fruit on it, can you climb up and get some for it?

Zuko: Why me?

Kuai: Because you scare it, and I'm keeping it calm.

Zuko: Fine.

Zuko awkwardly climbed the tree, got two of the fruits, and then tried to climb down, but he fell with a thud.

Zuko: Ow.

Kuai: Cutie, are you okay?

Zuko: Yeah, I think so.

Kuai: Not good at climbing trees, huh?

Zuko: Shut up.

Kuai: Wow, harsh. Come here and give me the fruit.

Zuko: Okay.

Zuko walked over to her and got on his knees next to her (she'd been sitting criss-cross as she pet the platypus-bear). He handed over the fruit and watched her carefully feed the platypus-bear. 

The platypus-bear finished eating and quickly ran away from them both. Kuai giggled and looked over at Zuko. He was staring at her. She let out one last shy giggle and then frowned as she stared back at Zuko.

Kuai: What's wrong?

Zuko: You're beautiful.

Kuai: Oh...*blushes* Thanks.

(I know what you're thinking...strange of Zuko to say stuff like that. Whatever, it was cute!) Zuko placed his index finger under Kuai's chin, lifting her face up to look at him. Kuai smiled before his lips went to hers.

The kiss lasted awhile before Kuai broke from it.

Kuai: It's pretty dark, we should get to sleep.

Zuko: I guess so...

They went back to their stuff and laid down. Zuko wrapped his arms around Kuai and she rested her head on his chest. They both went to sleep.

8 hours later, a tiny earthquake woke them up. They both flinched and crawled to the tree behind them. The earthquake stopped and Toph walked out in front of them laughing.

Toph: Hey cuddle bunnies! I'm hungry, go get some food.

Zuko: No.

Toph: Have you forgot *waves hand in front of face* I'm blind?! I can't see to get food.

Kuai and Zuko 2 [ON HIATUS]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon