Chapter 16: We Need To Leave Now

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*6 months later*

Kuai was around 8 months pregnant. Zuko had received a letter from the Earth King, there was to be a banquet for all the world leaders to attend. It was a political matter, and Kuai always got bored during those, so she had told Zuko he could go on his own. Aang was invited as well, and you know Toph, Katara, and Sokka would tag along (even though they weren't invited). So Aang is going to pick up Zuko on Appa on his way to Ba Sing Se. 

Zuko: Lovely, are you sure you're okay to stay on your own?

Kuai: Of course! The Kyoshi Warriors volunteered to take care of me while you're gone.

Zuko: Okay, keep that baby in there *points to Kuai's belly*

Kuai: I'll try cutie. Aang's almost here, you better get out to the gate.

Zuko: Fine *kisses her forehead* I love you.

Kuai: I love you too.

Aang got to the gate shortly after that. Zuko got on Appa's saddle to see Katara and Sokka sitting there. They were on their way to pick up Toph. They picked her up in Yu Dao and flew to Ba Sing Se. It was about a 7 hour flight from the palace city to Yu Dao, and 3 more from there to The Earth King's palace.

They got there a day early. They rented a house in the inner ring and stayed their until the next day when the banquet would be.

Everyone, of course, was bored out of their minds. There was barely any interesting conversation, and Sokka was basically asleep.

EarthKing: ...the complete separation of the United Republic and The Earth Kingdom is not the best idea because it takes power away from the most stable nation...

Hakoda: ...the Water Tribe obviously deserves a part in this matter if all nations are to be united in the disputed area...

Servant: Excuse me, my king.

EarthKing: What is it? Don't you know this meeting is important?

Servant: I apologize, your highness. I have been told to deliver this message to Firelord Zuko *holds up scroll*

EarthKing: He's right over there *gestures to Zuko*

The servant scurried over to Zuko and bowed while handing him the scroll. Zuko took the scroll and the servant hurriedly shuffled away. Zuko opened the scroll and his eyes widened, dropping the parchment on the floor. He jumped over the table he was sitting at and ran full speed out of the banquet hall.

The entire room silenced. Aang picked up the message and read it, then dropped it and ran after Zuko.

Katara decided to be the helpful one and read it aloud to the room.

Katara: "Firelord Zuko, it is of utmost urgency that you return to the palace. Your wife has gone into labor earlier than expected, and demands you be with her. She's quite angry and emotional at the moment, so I advise you follow her command. Thank You."

Toph: I think Zuko and Aang might have left us here without Appa...

Katara: So let's get going. Sokka! Get up!

Sokka: *flinches* What?

Toph: Kuai's having the baby, we need to leave now.

Sokka: Then c'mon!

They started running out of the place as Katara shouted

Katara: Sorry to leave in the middle of this! Someone take notes to fill us in!

As they thought, Appa was flying away, so Toph launched them all up, and they landed on Appa's saddle. It took them about 9 hours since they didn't have to stop in Yu Dao.

When they got there, Kuai was still in labor. They knew because they could hear screaming from the hallway. Zuko walked in by himself...and saw the scene that was facing the door. He fainted and Sokka had to help him up, but then Sokka saw it, and he fainted himself. Katara went in and didn't faint, unlike the boys who are wimps. (Aang and Toph decided to stay outside). 

Katara: Oh gosh, Kuai. How long have you been in labor?

Kuai: Ahhhh...uhh...I don't know...heh heh heh...Suki... heh... how long? *continues heavy breathing and cringing and screaming*

Suki: About 18 or so hours... it seems painful...

Kuai: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! God d*mn this! ...heh heh heh... AGH!

TyLee: It's okay, my lady. You're almost there.

Kuai: Shut your *bleep*ing mouth! AGH! You know nothing! ...heh heh.. It's not...heh...okay.

Zuko: *covering eyes* Do you need anything, lovely?


Zuko: Yes, dear.

Suki: The baby's just about here. Zuko, are you going to catch it?

Zuko: Uhhh...I'm not sure...I might pass out...again...

Katara: I'll do it, then.

About a minute or two later, Kuai had given birth to a girl.


Okay so I know I haven't been updating as much as I used to. School has been getting quite complicated and confusing...I hate it. 

I try writing bits and pieces of the chapters during my 750 Club, but I'm actually supposed to do that stuff in my actual book I've designated.

I promise you, I'm trying to make time for Wattpad. 

Tell me what you think about this chapter that took far too long to update.

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