Chapter 10: Do Not Speak To Me Of Respect

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*The Next Day*

The gaang had packed up their things and Kuai said goodbye to TuoYan and JiaLi. She was going to the palace with the rest of the gaang before the wedding. She was planning on meeting Uncle Iroh.

They got on Appa and flew to the palace. The trip lasted about 15-30 minutes because Hira'a isn't too far.

When they landed they were greeted by Iroh and the Kyoshi warriors. They got off Appa and Zuko held Kuai's hand, bringing her over to Iroh.

Iroh: Zuko, is this the lady you always talk about? *Zuko gestured for him to shut up, but he didn't* She's just as beautiful as you told me!

Kuai: Aww, cutie, you told your Uncle about me?

Zuko: *sighs* Yeah.

Kuai: Well, it's nice to meet you Iroh. *bows* You mean a lot to Zuko.

Iroh: *returns bow* As do you.

Suki: KUAI! *hugs Kuai* I haven't seen you in 4 years!

And that's true. Suki and the Kyoshi warriors were helping Iroh at the palace while Zuko went to find his mother 2 years ago.

Kuai: Nice to see you again...*says awkwardly before Suki lets her go*

Suki: And what's this new necklace?

Kuai: Oh, um...

Suki: OH MY GOSH! EEK! *hugs her again*

Iroh: What?

Katara: Zuko and Kuai are getting married.

Iroh repeatedly and jokingly slaps Zuko's shoulder.

Iroh: And *slap* how come you *slap* never told me *slap* this?

Zuko: Um, that's why I brought her here...

Suki: So when's this happening?

Sokka: Well Katara wanted to take a year to get everything planned.

Suki: Sounds logical.

Toph: But Zuko's the Firelord, so in a month.

Iroh: Wow.

TyLee: So your friends are staying here for that long?

Zuko: Actually, Toph and Sokka have to get to Yu Dao in a week, and Aang has Avatar business, so Katara's going with.

TyLee: So just you and Kuai?

Zuko: *puts arm around Kuai's waist* Yeah, I guess.

Iroh: Why don't you give these ladies a break from guarding the castle?

Suki: Yeah, I think we deserve that.

Zuko: Okay.

Zuko calls guards to escort them to a training hall built for them outside the palace. Sokka and Toph followed. Aang and Katara decided to go out on a date. It was just Zuko, Kuai, and Iroh. 

It was nighttime when the gaang got back. They ate dinner and then everyone went off to their guestrooms.

Aside from Kuai and Iroh. Zuko was still speaking with them.

Iroh: Has anyone told you two that you're adorable together?

Kuai: Once or twice.

Zuko: I think it's time for us to go to bed. Coming Kuai?

Kuai and Zuko 2 [ON HIATUS]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz