Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

      Elizabeth's phone woke her up a little before noon. Her eyes opened and groaned out loud. She glanced at her door and saw that it was still closed and locked. At least Sarah left her alone the rest of the night. She looked to her right and grabbed her phone. 

      "Sarah messaged me and told me you got home okay. :)"  

      Benji was already chipper.  

      "Yeah. Sorry I didn't message you earlier. When I got home all I wanted to do was sleep." 

      "I didn't do that when I got home. XD" 

      Liz couldn't help but smirk and chuckle a little. 

      "Really? What did you do? ;P" 

      She got up and went to change her clothes. After a quick pause at her closet, and a sniff of her hair, she got dressed in some sweats and a t-shirt. Already with the mindset of painting, Liz grabbed her phone and headed to the kitchen. She grabbed a mug and filled it with coffee quickly and almost ran to her studio. She didn't want another run in with Sarah this morning. 

      She felt her phone vibrate in her hand. She put her mug down on her table and opened the message. 

      "OMG. Seriously the best night of my life. We talked for a long time and cuddled and kissed! Why didn't you introduce me to him sooner?!" 

      She smiled. At least someone had a nice night. After everything Benji had been through he deserved to be happy. 

      "First off, didn't know he was gay or even curious. Second, I went out on a date with him recently and we decided just friends. I'm happy for you!" 

      She put her phone down on the table and took a big gulp of her coffee before turning to her easel. The painting was a mixture of happy and sad. She couldn't help but keep thinking about the sad and happy moments with Sarah as she painted this one. The others ranged differently. Depending on the colors she used she conveyed what she wanted. Sometimes she conveyed things she didn't want to see at all. She was getting read to pick up her paints and brush when her phone went off again.  

      "Really? He's the one you went on a date with? He told me before he was married he thought he was bi but now it's confirmed. We like each other a lot. Do me a favor? Talk me up to him?" 

      She smiled again. That was always habit with Benji. He could make her smile anytime, whether she was angry or sad.  

      "Of course. Why wouldn't I? You're awesome." 


      She laughed loudly. Liz looked back at the painting and, in the present mood she was in, set it aside and grabbed an 11x14 canvas. She started painting.

      A couple of hours later she called the painting finished and put it with the others she'd done. She looked at the paintings and saw the amount of work finished. Smiling she picked her phone back up and called Marcella. 

      "Marcella, speaking." 

      "Marcella, it's Elizabeth." 

      "Hello, bella! What is up?" 

      Liz laughed at the slang that Marcella tried to use. 

      "I've finished some more paintings. I wanted to know when I could drop them off at the gallery?" 

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