Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

       Everyone knows that during high school is the time when you experiment with alcohol, parties, and sex. My experience didn't happen any differently than the average high school student. I went to a couple of parties because I knew everyone there. I wasn't popular but I was the person that everyone liked.  

       When I did go to these parties I always brought Sarah with me. To this day Sarah is my party buddy and best friend. We are now 24 years old and recent college graduates. I was an art major and she was an English major. We fed off of each other's creativity and now, less than a year after graduating, we were celebrating Sarah's first book deal and my first commissioned piece of work. In true tradition we held a party, this time it was at the apartment we shared. 

       I came out of my room, putting the backs of my earrings on, when I saw Sarah was fussing around in the living room. She was adding more plastic cups and moving the furniture around. 

       "Sarah stop worrying the party will be great. The town will be talking about it for a long time afterward. The furniture is fine, there are plenty of cups, and we have alcohol. Everyone knows that it's a BYOB party. This is about us and our accomplishments. Relax and be happy." 

       She turned her bright blue eyes at me and I could see there was laughter there. She knew that she exasperated me sometimes but I always managed to keep a lid on it. She also knew that the only times I rarely show it is when I am equally as nervous as her or preoccupied. 

       "I know, Liz. I just want everything perfect. Do we know how many people are coming?" 

       I smiled back at her. 

       "We never know how many people are going to show up. You should be use to that by now, too." 

       She laughed and the knock on the door signaled the start of the party.

       An hour later I found myself cornered by a good looking guy who said his name was Ralph or Scooby or something. At this point I couldn't remember anything anymore. I quickly got bored with the conversation and looked around and spotted Sarah. She was dancing with a shorter man and she was laughing wildly. I smiled and she caught my eye. She grinned at me and looked down at the man and then rolled her eyes over his head. I laughed at her and the man that had been talking to me laughed too. I was surprised that he was still there. Apparently he thought I was laughing with him. I fought the urge to roll my eyes at him. 

       I looked back at Sarah and she was laughing at my predicament. We knew each other so well that she could basically tell what I'm thinking. I smiled at her and then turned to the man. I opened my mouth to yell something at him and that's when he made his move on me. He kissed me fiercely and pushed me against the wall. 

       He was too drunk to realize that I was not embracing him back but trying to fight him off. Before I knew it he was being ripped away from me and having his face clawed out by Sarah. Don't get me wrong, Sarah took some boxing lessons and can take care of herself. She got a couple of punches in. When the guy had fallen to the ground he was wheezing and Sarah had a glint in her eyes. 

       That gave the guy's friends enough time to move in on her and she quickly went wild. Two out of the three guys were reluctant to hit a woman and were trying to hold her back but one man decided he was going to give her a run for her money. She kicked out with her feet and got him in his balls and the two friends were holding her by her arms.  

       I didn't step in to help. I knew that Sarah would hate me for it later because she can take care of herself. She quickly elbowed the men holding her and then went after them like a hellhound. Through my alcoholic haze I knew that I had had to step in and save them from her. I grabbed her by the waist and she started kicking and screaming. I walked her to my room, with a large amount of effort and tossed her on my bed, locking the door behind me. She sat up and started glaring at me. 

       "What the hell do you think you're doing, Sarah?" 

       "I was having fun!" 

       I laughed. There was no way I could keep a straight face. She looked like a pouting child that just got scolded for stealing a cookie.  

       "You were not having fun. You were beating those men up for no reason." 

       "I had a reason! You were being assaulted by that idiot! His friends didn't have to step in! That was just an added bonus." 

       I chuckled a little more. 

       "I'm going to go to the bathroom and you better be here when I get back." 

       Needless to say she wasn't and I walked back into the living room where she tossed back three shots and then went after them again. I dragged her back to my room once more. She didn't know this but I kept a box of "goodies" hidden from her. I walked to my closet and searched for them. Once I found them I turned around and saw that she was passed out. 

       I found myself hesitating. Should I use them and risk her waking up to go kill them once more or save us all the grief? The latter one.

       I woke up with the sun shining on my face and groaned. I went to move my hands to rub my face and found only one of them was free. I opened up my eyes and turned to look. Sarah was cuddled up to my side and snoring softly. It was ten in the morning according my alarm clock and I groaned again. It was far too early to be awake. I turned and wrapped my arm around her waist and put my face in her hair, inhaling the scent of strawberries. She moved closer without realizing it. My last thought before I fell back asleep was, 'this is nice.'

       Her breasts were warm and soft. They tasted like heaven. Her moans made me shiver with pleasure and made me want her all the more. She pulled my hair up to her face and kissed me. Her tongue glided against mine, seducing me and telling me she wanted me just as much. I moaned along with her and rubbed against her. She moved her thigh in between my legs and hit the right spot. I growled and attacked her neck with kisses and nibbles. She moaned my name. 



       "Elizabeth wake the fuck up!" 

       I jolted awake to find a pissed off Sarah laying next to me.  

       "Why the hell am I handcuffed to your bed?!" 


(a/n: Rough Draft/ unedited. Let me know what you think in the comments below! Or vote! Vomment! XD Happy Reading!)


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