"Come on. Let's go to my house. I'll make food." Wei says and my brother and I start cheering.

"Food? I like food." Amber says as she nods her head.

"Our friends will be coming later. You'll meet them if you wish." Wei says with a smile.

Lay P.O.V.

"One, two, three, four."

"Five, six, seven, eight."

"One and a two."

"Three and a four."

"Five and a six."

"Seven and a eight."

"Let's go over what we are doing." SuHo hyung says. "LuHan hyung?"

"I'm performing "That Good Good" and "Excited" with Lay, Xiumin hyung, and SeHun." LuHan hyung says his part.

"Kris hyung?"

"I'm performing "There is a Place" and "All of Me" with ChanYeol and SuHo."


"Martial arts and "I'm the Sovereign" with Lay hyung and SeHun."


"I'm doing "Open Arms" with BaekHyun hyung, LuHan hyung, and Chen hyung."


"Dance routine with SeHun, Xiumin hyung, and LuHan hyung."

"Everyone is doing something, correct?" We nod our heads.

"Wait, what about the twins?" SeHun asks.

"They're dancing with me and then they are doing something else." I respond to him.

"They're supposed to be here by now..." Xiumin worries and crosses his arms.

"Stop worrying. They used to live down the street from here." I say. Then, the dressing room door opens.

"Yea yea. We know Amber." Xun and Myung are talking to someone. Then two people follow them.

"Victoria! Amber!" We all smile and greet our friends.

"Hey guys! It seems like we'll be hosting with the other hosts today. It was last minute." Victoria says happily.

"Literally last minute. We have to make our taxi guy rush here cause we have to get ready ourselves." Amber says frantically. "Alright. I'm gone." Amber runs away and Victoria waves before leaving.

"You two need to change. Stat." SuHo commands them and they are taken into another room by makeup artists so the twins can change and get makeup caked on their faces. A few minutes later, they were wearing different clothes.

"Thank the lord I'm not wearing matching clothes." Myung sighs in relief.

"I could give you mine......." Xun mutters. She's wearing a a dark blue dress.

"I'm good." Myung smiles cheekily with his dress pants and button down shirt on. This episode of "Happy Camp" is supposed to be fancy so we are wearing fancy clothing for the beginning and we have two times to change.

"EXO and the twins are on in five. Makeup and clothes need to have a final check people!" The manager for all of the stylists and makeup artists yells. "WHERE THE HELL IS MY LATTE?"

Everyone goes to the back entrance of the stage and we wait for us to be announced.

"Let's bring out the twelve men men, EXO!" Mr.He yells into the microphone. Fans cheer loudly as we walk out onto the stage. We stand together with three hosts on one side and two other hosts plus Amber and Victoria on the other side.

"We are one! Ni hao. Wo shi EXO!" We greet and bow.

"Wow. These boys are still handsome as ever!" Nana comments.

"Indeed they are." Victoria says and a small nod.

"Let's move on! Our next guests are two adorable kids, Xun and Myung!" Mr.He announces and the twins start walking out with Xun holding onto her brother's arm and Myung helping Xun down a few steps.

"Ni hao! Wo shi Li Myung!" Myung greets and bows.

"Ni hao. Wo shi Li Xun!" Xun greets and bows.

"Oh my goodness. They are so cute in person!" Xin says happily.

Myung P.O.V.

"Xie xie." My sister and I slightly bow.

"Now, the boys will be performing together and then we'll have smaller groups!" The crowd cheers and my sister is guided off-camera while I guide Weija and Xin off camera.

"Such a gentleman." I get a pat on the head from Xin.

Appas start performing with "Overdose" and my sister and I change very quickly. After that, the two of us go on and perform a mix for EXO songs that we have been preparing for awhile. When we are done, EXO goes on in different clothing and they perform "Call Me Baby" and "History".

"Wow. All of you are amazing!" Hitao comments.

"Xie xie. Xie xie." We all reply back.

"Would any of you like to perform in smaller groups right now?" Everyone scatters around really quickly to debate.

"Shall we do it now?" I ask Lay appa.

"Let's wait until later." He answers before talking to Kai appa.

"I thought we're doing stuff with Tao appa." Xun says to me.

"I don't know." I sign and start spinning in place.

"Myung......you doing?" Xun asks as I keep spinning. I think she meant, "Myung, what are you doing?" but I missed a few words.

I'm pushed to the ground and I groan at the dizziness. Ugh......

"Hey idiot, how many fingers am I holding up?" My sister asks into her microphone as the crowd and others laugh.

"San(三)......" I answer and cover my eyes.

"Wrong answer. The thumb isn't a finger." Xun hits me in the face and walks away.

"We have a chair if he wants one."

"Grab the chair. He's not going to live."

"I need one too. I don't want to be using my crutches the whole time."

"Hurry up!"

"Two chairs on the double!"

"Make it three!"

"Three chairs."


The things that happen when the camera is on and this part will probably be cut out....

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