Johnny and Sean found the girls next. Sean matched with Paige, wearing a burgundy tux. Johnny matched with Amber, wearing a classic black tux.

Sean literally felt like he was out of breath. He observed Amber as she joked around about being Johnny's date, her hair swinging around as she moved and laughed. She looked so fucking beautiful in such a simple dress, and Sean felt dizzy. His heart was pounding thinking of her. He was off in la-la land when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"You okay?" Paige rested her hand on his jacket.

"Yeah." He adjusted his position so his posture would look better. "Never better."

As Paige was going to respond to him, Johnny scooped her up, giving her a big kiss. "Been waiting all day."

"Hi, Johnny." She smiled, "I see you're about to dump me because you match better with Amber."

He chuckled, "I see you're about to dump me because you and Sean literally look like a couple."

She gave a disgusted look, "I'd rather watch paint dry. Actually, looking at Sean is like watching paint dry."

They all walked to an arrangement of round tables with name cards placed on them. Paige perused until she saw hers. She surveyed the surrounding ones, hoping she wasn't seated with people she barely talked to.

Paige Ellis. Alright, good. That's her.
John Gaudreau.
Amber Reins.
Sean Monahan.
Vivienne Dietrich.
Samuel Bennett.

The gang was all there. She took her seat, and so did the rest of them. Apparently, round tables were a bad idea, since Sean and Amber were seated right next to each other. Paige could just feel the tension.

Amber and Sean would have moments of accidentally brushing each other's hands. Amber would pull away instantly, but Sean would leave his hand in its same position, pondering what just happened.

He'd try to start small talk. She'd respond politely, of course, but Sean was never the type to carry a conversation either, so it would always lead to a dead end.

It didn't help the two were surrounded by couples either. Couples that loved each other. Gross. Amber and Sean would watch the other two couples smile at each other and hold each other's hands, which wasn't even proper dinner etiquette. It was disgusting. Not to mention awkward.

Amber had enough. She excused herself from the table to get a breath of fresh air. She stepped out of the ballroom, walking down the hallway and exiting the building.

Sean followed her. Not because he was psycho or anything, he just wanted to talk. He stood next to her, hands in his pockets.

Amber huffed, her breath turning into a cloud in front of her. "So? Are you here to yell at me?"

"Just here to talk."


"I, uh, kinda miss you. I think you deserve to know that much."

She nodded, "I can tell."

"Did anyone tell you?"

"No. It's just, I dunno... the way you acted tonight gave it away."

Sean continued to keep an awkward distance from her, "Right." He slid closer, hands still in his pockets, "I just miss you because I love you, Amber. I really do. I'm really sorry we ended on a bad note. I, uh, I wanted you to know that if you ever wanted to try again, I'm here, and I want to try again too."

He didn't wait for her to respond. Sean just walked back in and sat at the table like nothing happened.

Amber shut her eyes. Being with Sean was fun, but maybe she wasn't ready to get herself back into that relationship. She texted the girls that she was leaving, and all they did was send back frowny emojis.

Paige eyed Vivienne from across the table, the both of them looking sad at each other.

"Everything okay?" Sam asked.

Paige picked at her food, "It's fine."

Vivienne leaned into him, "Amber just went home. It's not a big deal."

Paige moved from her seat to the seat Amber previously occupied. She whispered to Sean, "Do you know why she left?"

He whispered back, "I told her how I felt, but I didn't wait for her to say anything back. I guess she didn't take it well."

Paige rested her head on his shoulder, "Now I have to deal with Amber being upset too." She turned to Johnny, "I'm so glad we don't hate each other."

He shook his head, chuckling, "I'm glad too?"

The night ended and Vivienne and Paige ended up getting a ride home from Johnny. Paige and Sean explained the whole thing to Johnny and Viv, who realized that it was actually time to go meddle now.

"No meddling!" Paige interjected. "Stop getting in people's relationships, ya weirdos."

Sean gave her a sad look and she succumbed, "Fine. You two can meddle but I'm not."

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