She blushed slightly ashamed and dumbfounded. Castol was making her feel small and not just by his looming height. She was made even more uncomfortable as his hand was still covering her mouth.

Castol's face soon turned to disgust as he pulled his hand away. "Did you just lick me? That's disgusting."

"Really?" Elentiya replied with a fake innocence, "I thought you might like that... Well I better get my shoes."

She attempted to run down the hallway, but Castol forcefully clamped a hand on Elentiya's shoulder before she had even taken a second step. "Do you really think I'm that stupid?" He sighed and spoke again, before Elentiya nodded her head. "Please don't answer that, it was rhetorical. Now come with me. There should be some spare shoes in my room - it's closer and I need to change into more appropriate clothing."

Elentiya gazed upon his uniform. To put it simply, he stood tall in a navy suit displayng the many badges he had acquired as a Captain of Terasan. It was quite impractical considering the nature of his profession. She wondered how he could even manage to fight off a little boy in his luxurious clothing.

Before Elentiya could retort, Castol held her by the wrist and dragged her to his room. His room was basic and neat, suiting his personality and traits. Castol felt no need to fill his room with personal items or any other decorative items that didn't have use, as he was barely in his it.

"There should be some shoes by the coat rack that fit you. I'm going to change in the bathroom. There are some books on that table that may interest you. I won't be long." Castol explained.

He didn't have to worry about Elentiya leaving, as she already seemed to be entranced by the books. Such a weird weakness to have, he thought before he entered the bathroom to change.


Once Castol had left, Elentiya decided to look around his quaters, expecting to find items of embarrasment to use against him in the near future. To her surprise there was nothing. She gave up easily and found a pair of running shoes, fitting her perfectly.

She didn't think to question as to why he would own such a feminine, small sized pair of running shoes. She just slipped them on and moved to the table, where his books lived. Just as she thought he only owned novels to do with the arts of combat. No real literature.

One thing on the desk caught her eye, when she returned to looking around Castol's room. An upturned photo frame. The frame contained a slightly worn photograph of a slightly younger Castol and woman, both smiling immensely. She was probably the most beautiful woman Elentiya had ever seen, although the glass screen covering it was cracked. The features that really stood out was her angelically blonde hair and striking emerald eyes.

"Put that down." Castol growled from behind her. Elentiya smirked, knowing she had many ideas floating in her head of how she could irritate Castol. The list was endless.

"Oh wow, someone's a little touchy... past lover?" She provoked, trying to get an amusing reaction from him. When he didn't reply, she took what she had jokingly said to be true. That surprised her.


Few words were spoken during the run and the five hour training session afterwards. Elentiya could only assume it was to do with the photograph, but sensed some other tension lying deeper.

Nothing seemed to fit the bill, until she remembered before the run. Castol was talking to the young recruit. Normally she would've straight up asked him, but considering how much she had already irritated him, that would be a major problem. The only solution was to be nicer, not matter how hard it would be. Whatever seemed to be on Castol's mind felt like a big deal and for some unknown reason she wanted to know.

Maybe she was just bored, all the training that went into the Exhibition was just a complete bore and made her body ache all over. She was pleased to know that she only had three days left until the Exhibition. Anxiety was always a problem for her, she was nervous, yet itching to prove herself. Plus, there was the touchy subject of her possible execution is she did not pass.

Elentiya's mind went into a sudden chaos. It wasn't uncommon. Her anxiety, her need to find out what Castol was witholding from her and the most important; her thirst for blood. Even when she was thinking about something else, it was always nagging at the back of her mind.

"Elentiya!" Castol interrupted her thoughts. She turned to face him standing by the door of the training room. "I said training's over, you're free to do whatever you please - within reason," Castol continued. She still just stood in the centre of the room.

"Oh thank you," she replied, slightly dazed.

"Are you okay?" Castol questioned, concerned, she has never once thanked him before. He noticed that her eyes were slowly turning red and her thoughts were becoming increasingly more difficult to read. "You know the library's quite empty today, why don't you go there?" He suggested. Her... demonic self never seemed to appear when she was there. Her love of books were obviously that strong to overcome it. And certainly not for the first time, Castol found Elentiya to be a strange girl.

Almost as soon as the permission was granted, Elentiya went giddy. "Really?" She beamed. Castol usually didn't allow her to go to the library. Afraid of what she could possibly do to the nobles.

"Yes, don't do anything stupid. I have work to do." Castol warned lightly and with that he left.

Elemtiya didn't even get the opportunity to ask where, but she guessed it was something to do with earlier events. She didn't press as the library opportunity was rare. Usually Hollin would get her books to read from there. Any plans for finding out Castol's secret would have to wait until tomorrow. It also gave her more time to prepare for being nice to him. Elentiya definitely needed that, she made a quick prayer to the gods to wish her luck on her new found mission.


So whaddidya think?? I quickly wrote this in like 2 hours (10pm - 12am) because I wanted to... that's a good sign right?? I've missed writing ;-;

I need sleep!! (Sorry for any mistakes)

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